
Active Member
Anybody out here fly missions for Angle Flight? I am particularly interested for Angle Flight East. They require IFR rating. I have IFR training but did not get certified for various reasons, time mainly. So is that a hard requirement? I figure they should be able to use the help needed, provided you fly VFR.

Thank you.
Angel flight requires a certified aircraft. You can fly animals and supplies in an experimental. Check out aerobridge. They do disaster relief and support with GA planes.
They operate/coordinate nationwide aviation relief efforts. I?m fairly new to Aerobridge and haven?t been asked to fly anything yet. I received an email from AOPA asking for volunteer pilots and signed up to help if needed. Once you have an account with Aerobridge you can go to your profile and at the very bottom under comments you can put ?cargo and animals only?.
I have flown relief supplies through Angel Flights southeast to the Bahamas but second that they require certified spam can for passengers.

Interesting. When I signed up, they said nothing about not carrying passengers In experimental aircraft? I am in the que for a couple organ donor flights. They did require an instrument rating.
Angel Flight Soars -, which covers Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina, does not say anything in their FAQ about a requirement for the airplane to be certified. I also got confirmation from their Mission Coordinator who said they welcome RVs if they are IFR-certified.

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"...I have IFR training but did not get certified for various reasons,..."

Then you are NOT IFR rated...
Anybody out here fly missions for Angle Flight? I am particularly interested for Angle Flight East. They require IFR rating. I have IFR training but did not get certified for various reasons, time mainly. So is that a hard requirement? I figure they should be able to use the help needed, provided you fly VFR.

Thank you.
Angel flight East does in fact allow experimental aircraft. I have flow many Angel flights for Bernadetta out of PDK. Yes you have to have an instrument rating and the plane rated for IFR.
I use my RV7. The pass ngers I have carried live it for the visibility and the speed
Smilin Jack