
Well Known Member
So I?m getting ready to upgrade my panel with some GRT stuff. I?ve ordered a Bluetooth dongle because I plan to have the GRT broadcast out. I have an iPhone mount in my cockpit, but there is no iPhone app for GRT. I need to buy a used Android based phone that will live in my plane. I?ll really only be using it for Wing X EFB app and the GRT FMS function.

Knowing nothing about Android phones/software, can anyone reccomend a good/cheap android phone its a decent size screen that I could use? I?ll probably be looking for ebay to buy it.


While I can't speak firsthand for either of my recommendations, my friends with the the Motorola Moto-Z and the Google Pixel who absolutely love them. I had a Moto-X before my current phone and found it to also be phenomenal, however, it's a bit dated and may not be up to snuff in terms of the performance you may need.

I currently have a Samsung S7 and find it to be terrible as best.
I have an RV-4. I had to invent a space to put a phone mount.

Going from this:

To this:

And eventually to this: