
Well Known Member
Can anyone recommend a good fuel shutoff valve that doesn't look like it came from Home Depot. All I need is on and off but the lever is going to be visible in my cockpit so I wanted something nice.
I currently own an Andair shut off valve but I am so dissapointed in the customer service that I am planning on NOT using it. If you are curious as to why I am not happy with them.....I have their fuel valve, and their gascolator. They never answer their emails....I have been trying to get information about an extension or to have my valve modified by them and its almost impossible to get a response that means anything. I emailed them asking how I can get more screws they supply with the gascolator to attach the fittings and still have not heard from them. I guess I should have known better than to use parts from a company based in England.
How about using the Weatherhead/ Vans/ Home Depot fuel valve, but replacing the handle with something more attractive, like these:


Info here:

Andair are a small parts company, they have more work than they can really handle - including a whole load of OEM customers.

They are really nice people, but they never get around to looking at their Email (though their online ordering system does work).

Why not phone them - it worked for me.

I changed over to the Andair valve last winter and love it. I never trusted the original valve. There are lots of posts in these forums about converting from one to the other either for new construction or retrofit. You did not say what plane it is for, but if it is for a -8 let me know. I have drawings and pictures that will help.

I did not have to get info from the company, so don't have the same frustrations. The valve itself is top notch and was well worth working through the installation details.
fuel valve

the fuel valve is definitely great quality I would just prefer to use an American product. I don't want to deal with trying to get customer service from a foreign company and the extra costs associated with such.
I'm getting ready to install the Andair valve in my 8, so any pics and drawings would be appreciated. Thanks,
Use stock-dress it up

I don't know why people are down on the stock valve. Hundreds and hundreds have used it successfully over the years. I'm sure there may have been a few instances of problems. I see far more opportunity for problems with the Andair valve with all of the fittings etc..

You can use the stock valve and dress it up like Jeff Point(ed) out. Sorry couldn't help that. That is what I'll be doing in my new project.

The Andair is very nice. (had one for a previous project) I also worried about potential problems and future support from a non US company. And, if you do have a problem conversion is not exactly plug and play.

the fuel valve is definitely great quality I would just prefer to use an American product. I don't want to deal with trying to get customer service from a foreign company and the extra costs associated with such.
Andair Valve

I think I will use the standard RV valve with a nicer handle. Thanks for the advice.
Well a little too late but the best place to buy an Andair is at Sun N Fun or OSH...face to face...really great parts, I picked up locking gas caps this year after passing on them this year, mainly becasue polishing the stock Vans caps was wearing on me...I have their fuel valve and it is as everyone who has one says..a work of art. Might be worth a phone call to England, I'm spoiled with VOIP. I think Spruce stocks them as does Van's so don't give up hope...sorry but the stock Van's valve has a 50/50 track record from all I've read..regardless of the perty aftermarket handle it's still that crappy brass ice maker plumbing valve. :)
Quick fuel

Why don?t we have a both tanks position? off, right, both, left. In a both position, I would expect that gravity should keep the tanks fairly equivelent.

I'm getting ready to install the Andair valve in my 8, so any pics and drawings would be appreciated. Thanks,

Here's a thread where I laid it all out. http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=28220

vonjet - putting a nicer handle on it doesn't do anything but dress it up! It's what's inside that counts.

RV7Guy - I know lots of these have been used but the only close call I've had in 950 hrs of flying was when I could not get this kind of valve positioned right and starved an engine. I started loosing power and chose to make a precautionary landing. The engine sagged badly on final and probably would have died had I needed to go around, but I had plenty of altitude. Since then I've been very particular about fuel valves.

When I bought my RV-8 (already built) the valve was sticky, hard to turn, and hard to get positioned right. I could have opened it up and lubed it but chose to upgrade instead. John Denver's accident comes to mind too. We each have areas we are probably overboard on. Fuel valve phobia may be mine.
...vonjet - putting a nicer handle on it doesn't do anything but dress it up! It's what's inside that counts...
Kind of like putting perfume on a pig.

The Andair valve is one of the best "options" installed on my -9! The thing is well worth the money and the wait!

Its not the wait. I have the valve. The problem is that I need it configured differently so it will fit in my center consil or I need to take a line of credit on my house to buy Andair's extension set up for it.
I have tried to talk via email to Andair about reconfiguring my valve but all they do is tell me it can be done and give me the version of what I need. After that....nothing. I have tried to order the extension a couple times but they Never answer any of my questions when I email them. I talked to spruce and all spruce does is call Andair to get a quote and then call you back a day later. They were so confused over it I didn't place the order because I knew it wouldn't be correct when I got it 2 weeks later.
I guess I need to place a call to England. Uggg!! I hate dealing with Foreign companies.

I stopped and spoke with the Andair folks during OSH, and picked up a set of the locking fuels caps. I asked if they had any comments about the poor customer service I keep hearing about. They were very up front about it, and apologized. According to them, their email system is horrible, and they don't recommend using it for urgent questions. IIRC, they said spam is the major problem, and they've tried a several different software products to eliminate the spam, in their experience it either gets rid of too much, or not nearly enough. He said to please pick up the phone and give them a call for any technical questions. He also mentioned they were about to try a new spam blocker in a couple of months, and he his hopeful it will work better.

I don't work for them, nor am I affiliated in any way. I just bought the valve and locking fuel caps. That's about it.
Why don?t we have a both tanks position? off, right, both, left. In a both position, I would expect that gravity should keep the tanks fairly equivelent.


Won't work. With just a little bit of a slip you will transfer all the fuel to one tank then start sucking air. Works on high wings though.
Its not the wait. I have the valve. The problem is that I need it configured differently so it will fit in my center consil or I need to take a line of credit on my house to buy Andair's extension set up for it.
I have tried to talk via email to Andair about reconfiguring my valve but all they do is tell me it can be done and give me the version of what I need. After that....nothing. I have tried to order the extension a couple times but they Never answer any of my questions when I email them. I talked to spruce and all spruce does is call Andair to get a quote and then call you back a day later. They were so confused over it I didn't place the order because I knew it wouldn't be correct when I got it 2 weeks later.
I guess I need to place a call to England. Uggg!! I hate dealing with Foreign companies.

They are a couple great guys that don't really use email. So get in a time machine and go back a couple of years before email and give them a call. :D

I needed a replacement part for something I screwed up. I called them and when I said I would be at Sun N Fun they said to stop by the booth. They gave me the part I needed and didn't even consider changing me for it. Real stand up guys, they just don't use email. Don't let that scare you off.

Plus, look at what we're building here. These things are antiques well before we build them. They have more to do with old tractors than some high tech military machine. We should all use rotary dial telephones when ordering parts. Smoke signals when ordering Lycoming parts. I don't know how Rapucci orders parts for his engine, cave paintings I guess, how old is that engine Bill?. ;)

Seriously they are great guys to deal with, it just takes a little effort to contact them. Best and first mod I did to the plane.
Why don’t we have a both tanks position? off, right, both, left. In a both position, I would expect that gravity should keep the tanks fairly equivelent.

Won't work. With just a little bit of a slip you will transfer all the fuel to one tank then start sucking air. Works on high wings though.

The reason it won't work is that the tanks are below the engine and the fuel is pumped up to the carb. (It does not flow downhill with the help of gravity like in a Cessna.) When pumping uphill, if one of the two tanks became unported, the fuel pump would suck air from that tank, not fuel from the other.

That is why low wing airplanes switch tanks. Do a search, it has been discussed a number of times on this forum and you will find lots of info on the subject.
the fuel valve is definitely great quality I would just prefer to use an American product. I don't want to deal with trying to get customer service from a foreign company and the extra costs associated with such.

Because the American product is probably made in China, doesn't work very well and will be replaced more than once.

The British product, while taking a while to arrive - although available through Spruce ( an American company ) will never need replacing, is made like a Swiss watch ( sorry, again, not American ) and is just the best product for the job in hand.

Tee Hee

Do you know if I can get those tiny screws that hold the fittings on the fuel valve anywhere else?
Tiny screws

I needed some of these screws, and I just called them and asked them for some. They arrived about 2 days later. Their phone number is +44 23 9247 3945 (from the US, 011 44 23 9247 3945).

I spent about 20 minutes in the shop to see if I had any spares I could send you, but since I moved, I just can't find anything any more - sorry about that!
No Problem

Thanks for the thought. I found some steel screws that work at the local hardware store. They are metric with the hex head. Appear to be same type but different color.

Well, as i mentioned before. Spruce has it in the catalog but if you call them and try and order it they have to call Andair and get a quote and call you back. It takes a day for that to happen. Then the price is the same as if you just ordered from Andair so I really see no purpose in ordering through spruce.
Just pick up the phone....

Come on guys... Its not so bad. Its not like its expensive to phone, or they speak a (really) foreign language or something. Andair fuel valves are truly excellent - just compare the standard issue Vans one with an Andair and you'll wonder why Vans bother. Its probably about the only thing the Brits make now hat is best. The time difference can work in your favour - pick up the phone and call first thing in the morning before you leave for work - they'll be at work already and from my experience will be falling over themselves to be helpful. So they don't do e-mail. No big deal. I always prefer to talk to a real person anyway. They'll probably take your US credit card the same way Vans are happy with a British one. Post and packing will be reasonable and the great British pound is now on the slide against the mighty Dollar. Some of us have bought entire kits from the US, imported them, paid the taxes and shipping. If I lived in Oregon it would have been a whole lot cheaper! But one look at the Vans valve and I called Andair. Customer service was fine.

The kit supplied (Weatherhead) valve, manufactured since the mid '90s ARE reliable, if ugly. There is nothing wrong with it. If you don't want to go with it, why spend $157 on another uncertified valve. Van's sells the Andair FS 20x7T for $205. Seems a no brainer to me.

Part Number = FUEL VALVE FS 20X7T
Price = $205.00
Valve options

I have an Andair valve it is has 3 positions i only want to use it for 1 position is it ok to cap the two unused positions and use it for a single position?
You don't need a valve

A three position (Left - Right - Off) valve with two of them capped = an elbow fitting, unless I'm missing something.
Can I help ?

Well, as i mentioned before. Spruce has it in the catalog but if you call them and try and order it they have to call Andair and get a quote and call you back. It takes a day for that to happen. Then the price is the same as if you just ordered from Andair so I really see no purpose in ordering through spruce.

Hi from the UK (and Germany, don't ask !)

I have an Andair valve and needed to change the fittings so I drove down there ( south coast of England ) from LHR where I work.

If it helps I am willing to act as an intermediary for you.
Send me a PM



The valve has center -- left---right --- off

So, three inlets, four selectable positions, including off. You say tomato I say tomato. Wait, that works better when spoken.:rolleyes:

Anyway, physically, there should be no problem with capping the unused fittings. The capped fittings would work the same as an OFF position.

The bigger problem is that you would need to replace the placard which indicates Center -- Left -- Right -- Off so that the capped fittings show up as "OFF" also. That could get you or someone else into a bad situation. A better option would be to remove the three-inlet valve and sell it to someone who needs it, or see if Andair will swap it out for the appropriate valve. You could cap the unused lines already installed in the plane.

So help me understand. The valve assembly has four selectable knob locations, Center - left - right - off and therefore four fittings, three in and one out, correct? Since you can't plug the "Off" as there's nothing to plug, plugging two of the other three would leave you with three "Off" positions and only one usable "ON" position. If that's the case, then it works the same as a ball valve in the fuel line, basically an on-off. Is that right?
On/off valve

The standard Vans valve can be configured as an on/off valve by using the center (normally plugged) port.

I put a nice handle on mine and use it as an on/off valve
