Please don't rant...

They are a small family run company that makes really good gear.

We are having a spot of bother over here with this alleged virus thingy and companies like Andair maybe shut temporarily.

Send them an email or try calling but bear with them.
Customer service is terrible.

I too have Andair products in my RV-8.

March 6, I purchased a 3-way valve on their website so I can add a ferry tank to my RV-8. Cost was $294.88 Can.

March 17, I send email asking for an response.

March 19, I send another email asking for a response.

March 20, Jenny responds the valve bodies are not available, not in stock...and they can?t ship the order for 2 weeks.

March 20, I respond to ensure that the valve will not say 32 gallons on it.

April 27, I get a reply from Sam...they are short staffed due to Covid....will give you a lead time....

May 15, send another email looking for an update.....

May 19, Jenny responds...they have component shortages...they are short will be a few a high priority....2nd time they said that.

May 22, I respond and tell them to refund my money.

May 22, my order has been will get your payment back in 2 instalments.....

May 23, I email them asking why 2 instalments when I paid in full?

May 31...still no response after Intold them I would contact my credit card company and advise of the customer service on the forum.

They have excellent products....their customer service is lacking.

March 6 to May 19 the story changed from the valve body to parts shortages...

I get the issues with Covid...we are all dealing with it.

But why would a company return your money in 2 instalments when you paid it one.

If you want to wait for a great product with a company that is lacking in customer service...then wait.

If you pay your money in one shot, don?t expect to get it back in one shot.

Andair....DO BETTER!
Ok, what are we talking about here, let?s prioritize.
Can you live life, function, fly, sleep without this $300 valve?
You have an expensive aircraft , it can?t be about the money.
Cut Andair some space, time. Any number of reasons for the split refund.
Millions of people are in a holding pattern, trying hard to keep things together.
And to give yourself a boost, tell them you appreciate that they are doing their best. Send the refund when they can afford it. Move on.

It?s a great product.Great products come from great people. It must be demoralizing, frightening to be in their position. Now is the time to be encouraging, supportive. I would rather give compassion thinking they deserve it than not give it and wish I had.

I have an Andair question.

My kit came with tanks built, Andair locking caps installed, and - I discovered later - no keys that the previous owner could account for. Andair has no record of key numbers that might go with my tanks, and their advice was to build a gear-puller like device attaching to the caps by tapped holes and literally rip the caps free destroying them in the process.

I have a lock pick set on order and won't hesitate to call a locksmith and pay his fee if I fail. I'm not keen on replacing these caps with more new Andairs (cost and wait time) if for any reason I can't get these out in one piece and somehow get them re-keyed. Do these caps fit in a standard size filler neck, or does the presence of an Andair cap mean I have a unique sized filler neck and have to stay with their caps?

I have an Andair question.

My kit came with tanks built, Andair locking caps installed, and - I discovered later - no keys that the previous owner could account for. Andair has no record of key numbers that might go with my tanks, and their advice was to build a gear-puller like device attaching to the caps by tapped holes and literally rip the caps free destroying them in the process.

I have a lock pick set on order and won't hesitate to call a locksmith and pay his fee if I fail. I'm not keen on replacing these caps with more new Andairs (cost and wait time) if for any reason I can't get these out in one piece and somehow get them re-keyed. Do these caps fit in a standard size filler neck, or does the presence of an Andair cap mean I have a unique sized filler neck and have to stay with their caps?
If yours are like mine, they are smaller than the standard Van's standard. They may have made more models. Here are some photos of mine:

And from Spruce:

No matter what, you can pick that lock, or a good locksmith can. You can probably find replacement keys.

When I bought mine, they came from a company called Newton - they may also be able to set up up with a key, or tell you how to source one. It may be a very standard key, not sure.
I have an Andair question.

My kit came with tanks built, Andair locking caps installed, and - I discovered later - no keys that the previous owner could account for. Andair has no record of key numbers that might go with my tanks, and their advice was to build a gear-puller like device attaching to the caps by tapped holes and literally rip the caps free destroying them in the process.

I have a lock pick set on order and won't hesitate to call a locksmith and pay his fee if I fail. I'm not keen on replacing these caps with more new Andairs (cost and wait time) if for any reason I can't get these out in one piece and somehow get them re-keyed. Do these caps fit in a standard size filler neck, or does the presence of an Andair cap mean I have a unique sized filler neck and have to stay with their caps?
I "lost" the keys to my Andair gas caps near the end of my RV-10 build and ended up having a locksmith come to my hanger to pick the caps open. They were able to order some special key blanks that worked and cut them for me. All in, I think it was just around a $150 bill for me. I found those original keys in my build shop behind a shelving unit about 6 years later.
Good Andair experience

I ordered some fittings for my new fuel selector and had not received the usual timely ship notice. I figured that the virus was having an impact on them just like everyone else.

And it is.

But after several weeks and unanswered emails I gave them a call.

They found the order, processed it and shipped it within a day or so.

Give them a call; be nice; and they will do their utmost to help you.
I "lost" the keys to my Andair gas caps near the end of my RV-10 build and ended up having a locksmith come to my hanger to pick the caps open. They were able to order some special key blanks that worked and cut them for me. All in, I think it was just around a $150 bill for me. I found those original keys in my build shop behind a shelving unit about 6 years later.

Thanks, Mickey and David - kinda glad I'm not the only one. The only part of this that sounds especially concerning is special-ordering the key blanks; the rest sounds like a minor inconvenience with no undue delays.
Good Andair experience as well

I have Andair products installed as well.
Fittings, checkvalves, Fuelvalve, Filters and a boost pump.

My experience could not be any better with them.
The orders were spot on. The products are as good as it gets, second to none.
Customer service via email and on the phone was always good.

I do understand that the situation described in the first post lets room for improvement.

But if you see them as a family business, may be struck hard by the CoVid 19 thingy (as the whole economy in the UK) and their own supply chains most probably interupted.....they are fighting hard to make a living and have the company survive the crisis to be there for us after all.
In addition to that, the UK left the European Union just two month prior your order. There might be the reason for your refund in two steps as tons and tons of regulations and laws (probably for international sale-refunds as well) have to be determined, articulated and implemented as the EU law is not valid any more.

I did meet them in person and talked to them. Absolut fabulous, honest and nice people.

I cannot imagine that they treat you like that for no reason.
Along the locking caps line...has anyone had fuel siphon/ stolen? I never even pondered the idea. Unless there is another reason I?m missing.

Along the locking caps line...has anyone had fuel siphon/ stolen? I never even pondered the idea. Unless there is another reason I?m missing.


My main concern was tampering when tied down during traveling/trips. There are a lot of people that do not like general aviation. I have no knowledge of it ever happening, but I don't want to be the first. I also don't want some ramp rat fueling my plane when I am not around and didn't request it.
yep, had fuel stolen... old story as the year is 1981... yeah, that is last century.

Cherokee 6, flew non GPS, non cell phone, non internet, from Merrit Island to Guadeloupe, 3 weeks of island hoping.
Stopped at Bimini Island, Bahamas, had the 4 tanks filled to the brim. A dead battery due to a loose belt led to an unexpected nightstop. Next day luckily noticed outer fuel tanks reading 0, confirmed by looking into them. Fuel was stolen overnight, either siphon or drained... topping other events, not a very good memory of that place :mad:

Hopefully improved over the years.
Locking fuel caps

I'm probably the only one who doesn't get this, but why locking fuel caps on an airplane? If I'm going to steal fuel, why not just put a bucket under the fuel drain and let 'er rip?

If it's to stop people from doing nefarious things to my fuel, I guess that's a possibility, but with so many other things that could be vandalized and ease of draining fuel from a wing, I don't get the value of locking fuel caps. BWTHDIK? :cool:

Oh, and Jenny from Andair emailed me today about an order I placed and said it would ship in 4-6 weeks. So they're still there, just working through COVID I'm guessing.
fuel caps

I'm probably the only one who doesn't get this, but why locking fuel caps on an airplane? If I'm going to steal fuel, why not just put a bucket under the fuel drain and let 'er rip? ....
Can't speak for everyone, but I heard from several builders that the standard Van's caps leak and get stiff. Probably just a maintenance issue, but I bought the locking caps not to prevent theft or tampering, but just because of the quality of the cap. They are pretty nice looking caps, I think.
Can't speak for everyone, but I heard from several builders that the standard Van's caps leak and get stiff. Probably just a maintenance issue, but I bought the locking caps not to prevent theft or tampering, but just because of the quality of the cap. They are pretty nice looking caps, I think.

That they do indeed have going for them. Other than the risk of locking myself out, I'm not sorry to have them.
Can't speak for everyone, but I heard from several builders that the standard Van's caps leak and get stiff. Probably just a maintenance issue, but I bought the locking caps not to prevent theft or tampering, but just because of the quality of the cap. They are pretty nice looking caps, I think.

I completely with the statement about their quality. I've bought everything from the oil/air separator and fuel filters to selector valves and check valves. Everything as been very high quality.
very good experiences with them

Have one of their fuel valves for an RV-6A. Very fine piece of work. Years after I bought it, telephoned them to obtain different fittings (male to female). They offered to swap them, no charge. Prompt, helpful.
Don't bash the vendors but learn the mojo....

I found myself ranting about a certain experimental vendor once at OSH at the beer social... a wiser man than me stated (very well I might add over several IPAs) "our vendors are unique and operate in an uncertain, often tough to forecast world. Most are as odd as us who choose to build airplanes in our garages... As such, most are just as eclectic or more so." I thought about that for a bit.... drank another beer and decided - I can fly these unique planes because of the very unique people supplying me. I can certainly put up with a bit of odd ball business practices and show some compassion for them...after all, they are probably operating on a shoestring budget, and are family driven like I am. The timeless phrase from stripes comes to mind often when I think they should be as responsive as autozone or Walmart (God forbid)....."Lighten up Francis!!!"
My fuel selector doesn?t truly cutoff the fuel supply

I just tested the shutoff position of my Andair fuel selector, as I?m finishing my Rv-10 build and found fuel still flows at a rate of 2 gph. Excellent quality...
I found myself ranting about a certain experimental vendor once at OSH at the beer social... a wiser man than me stated (very well I might add over several IPAs) "our vendors are unique and operate in an uncertain, often tough to forecast world. Most are as odd as us who choose to build airplanes in our garages... As such, most are just as eclectic or more so." I thought about that for a bit.... drank another beer and decided - I can fly these unique planes because of the very unique people supplying me. I can certainly put up with a bit of odd ball business practices and show some compassion for them...after all, they are probably operating on a shoestring budget, and are family driven like I am. The timeless phrase from stripes comes to mind often when I think they should be as responsive as autozone or Walmart (God forbid)....."Lighten up Francis!!!"

Thanks bluskydreamin,
Owen here from Andair LTD. I just want to reassure you all that we are here working our butts off trying to keep everyone satisfied. I've had to 'furlough' 1/2 of my team because of Covid but things are slowly returning to normal. If you have something on order and need it right away please email me ([email protected]) and i'll push it through.
Good man.... :D

Cut them some slack, things are tough here in UK and there in US. Ultimately, they make good gear.
In my hand

I ordered a valve with custom markings and two fuel filters in April...

Just arrived today via Fedex. Sweet work, very nice quality, just what I was looking for.

They did promise me some expediting a while back but I think the situation simply overwhelmed them. I let it ride and finally got an email from Jenny saying it was on the way. As he said, lost half his crew due to Covid, and this doesn't look like a big operation.

So if you have stuff on order, be patient, it's worth wait!
