
Well Known Member
Is there some trick to reinstalling the red handle? It must have been on there when I bought it ages ago but, now I can?t get it to slide on. I tried lubing it a little but it still only goes on about 1/4?. I see that it is keyed so I think I?ve got it aligned. What am I missing here?

I walked away before something got messed up so any suggestions would be helpful.
So that was a little cryptic of a response, but I think it's basically correct, IIRC.

You have to lift up on the locking button while simultaneously pushing down on the lever itself, and using a special shortened hex wrench, tighten the screw that lies partially underneath the button.

At least, that's what I remember from when I installed mine way back when.
I'll have to play with it some more. I thought I pulled the screw up and the handle still wouldn't slide down. I probably need to wedge something under knob so I'm not trying to do 3 things at once.
I'll have to play with it some more. I thought I pulled the screw up and the handle still wouldn't slide down. I probably need to wedge something under knob so I'm not trying to do 3 things at once.

For visual refenece here is what I do. Lift and hold knob up to access the allen head screw. Use some scrap pieces as a third hand. Remove screw completely then slide the handle off. Reverse order to reinstall.

Thanks everyone for their suggestions.

I finally took the valve out of the plane so I could see what was going on. As I thought the retention screw wasn?t the problem. It turned out I just wasn?t putting enough pressure on the knob. Once I could press down on the knob while holding the bottom of the valve it slid right on.