
Active Member
I installed an Andair fuel pump model PX375-TC#2 as supplied with the kit. Since new it was always a bit noisy and I just assumed that was normal. Recently a friend flew with me and noted the noise coming from the fuel pump and stated his fuel pump also an Andair was not that loud. I emailed Andair and queried the noisy operation. They noted that I had a #2 model and stated they were now up to a #7 version. My fueld pump was just over 2 years and 210 hours old.

That did not stop the good people at Andair offering to overhaul and upgrade my pump to a #7 free of charge. I am most appreciative of the generous offer and now my #7 model pumps operates a lot quieter. Thank you Andair.

Suggest you check the pump version you have and speak to Andair if you have any concerns.
