
Well Known Member
On my next annual, I plan to replace the old VANS stock fuel pump and filter with the Andair unit on my IO540. This is for ease of access and servicing.

I have already purchased the PX375 since my fuel lines are 3/8" noting that it says it is suitable for the IO540. However, looking at the spec sheet, it says that it is "designed" for the IO360 series and that the output is 16gph @ 27-30psi. Hmmmm ......

Using the 125% rule, I require 26gph. Looking at the spec further, it states the open flow is 55-60gph @ 5psi. Interpolation gives me a fuel flow of something just over 30gph at the minimum pressure of 14psi. Further, at the actual max fuel flow of 21gph, I should get about 18psi.

I have asked the question of Andair but got no reply. Is the PX375 suitable or should I have got the PX500 and used adaptors to fit the pipes?
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My PX375 provides approx.36 psi to my IO-360 using the 3/8" fuel lines. My fuel flow test provided 32gph.
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you probably have the olde version AFP pump with the external bypass and all the additional plumbing. Why not change to the new version ( well not quite so new) that eliminates all the external bypass tubes? You already have the tunnel set up for this.

Note from Andair

Relaying a response from Andair in May.

On May 29, 2019, at 07:45, Owen Phillips <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Greg,
They are all the same pumps, we just set the pressure relief valve slightly higher on the 500 series. You can just wind the pressure relief screw in a little bit to get more flow at a higher pressure.

Relaying a response from Andair in May.

On May 29, 2019, at 07:45, Owen Phillips <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Greg,
They are all the same pumps, we just set the pressure relief valve slightly higher on the 500 series. You can just wind the pressure relief screw in a little bit to get more flow at a higher pressure.


Excellent! Just have to find the pressure relief screw ..... :D
you probably have the olde version AFP pump with the external bypass and all the additional plumbing. Why not change to the new version ( well not quite so new) that eliminates all the external bypass tubes? You already have the tunnel set up for this.


Except I have already bought the new pump and filter @ $800+ ......
On my next annual, I plan to replace the old VANS stock fuel pump and filter with the Andair unit on my IO540. This is for ease of access and servicing.

I have already purchased the PX375 since my fuel lines are 3/8" noting that it says it is suitable for the IO540. However, looking at the spec sheet, it says that it is "designed" for the IO360 series and that the output is 16gph @ 27-30psi. Hmmmm ......

Using the 125% rule, I require 26gph. Looking at the spec further, it states the open flow is 55-60gph @ 5psi. Interpolation gives me a fuel flow of something just over 30gph at the minimum pressure of 14psi. Further, at the actual max fuel flow of 21gph, I should get about 18psi.

I have asked the question of Andair but got no reply. Is the PX375 suitable or should I have got the PX500 and used adaptors to fit the pipes?

Quick thought - U.S. or Imperial gallons (I'd suspect Andair numbers may be in the latter ?)
Except I have already bought the new pump and filter @ $800+ ......

Well, if you bought a new one already you are going to use it if even if it does not work, right?

Just be sure to test it after installation. Install a line after the pump with a restrictor and pressure gauge. restrict to minimum full power pressure and read the flow in the cockpit. Research done on that pump 5 yrs ago indicated it would not meet the 125% spec, at full TO (max) flow and minimum pressure. Maybe they are different now.

Regardless of whether it works or not, just report here, so people can learn from an installed unit. It may work. And there is nothing better than real, installed data.