
Well Known Member

I'm new the the RV world and a new owner of an RV-7 empennage kit.

I guess I'll be spending a lot of time in the forums here as I try to figure out my way forward. So, I'll just say in advance; Nice to meet you all.. and thanks for your help!

I've decided to maintain my builder's log online at Not a whole lot there yet, a couple of pages, but it's all set up and running.

I'm signed up for an Orndorf metalworking class, and I have a nice gift certificate to Avery Tools. I guess I'm ready!

Joe Graham
Fort worth, Texas
#72601 - "Still in the box"
Let me be the first to congratulate you! You are actually one step ahead of me - the planets look like they will align this summer. I've been lurking here in the meantime since the day the site opened up, and before that the Yahoo forums. I have learned alot in reading the various posts, and have dozens of sites bookmarked as I found them here. Have fun building - I think I'm looking more forward to building than I am flying!
Baja_Traveler said:
I think I'm looking more forward to building than I am flying!

While I am CERTAINLY looking forward to the build, it's not more exciting to me than the prospect of flying the beast...

But for now, building it shall be...
A great thing

JoeG said:
While I am CERTAINLY looking forward to the build, it's not more exciting to me than the prospect of flying the beast...

But for now, building it shall be...


Now that I'm flying I can say that the time building was well worth it. There were many times of cussing, frustration and blood loss but now it is all forgotten. Now all I have to do is learn all the little tricks to the avionics.

Work diligently and consistently and you'll progress rapidly. The various lists and this forum is a life saver!!!

Good luck.

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ
4.5 hours and building!!
Your "N" number?

Hey Joe,
Welcome! I was curious about your "N" number. Is it a reference to one of the several firearms cartridges with a diameter of 7.62mm? I tell people that aviation is the latest in a long line of my expensive hobbies. Firearms was one of the previous ones. Enjoy the building!

RV-7A(FWF and avionics)
N728E reserved
Planes, guns, and automobiles....

Hey hawkeye...

You figured it out! At least one of the meanings... There is another as well...

Yes, I have a bunch of hobbies as well. I guess I need to quit buying guns now and start buying tools and parts... Well worth the "sacrifice" though. And after the plane is finished I can fly to any Gun Show I want!!!


Thanks William

I have already read about 90 percent of Dan's site data ( Although his construction was on an older kit than mine, supposedly things have only gotten easier with the "better" kits. So, another once or twice through the empennage section and I should be good to go...
I inventoried my emp kit last thursday, built my plans table this weekend (My own design), and now have to pop off $2200 for tools. :) Then it's on to building a modified EAA table and starting the durn kit already!

Wow! 2600.... small world....

So far, all I've accomplished is the parts inventory. I was scheduled for the Orndorf metalworking class this past weekend but had to reschedule to next month. Just as well, the funds for my tool order have been slightly delayed in arriving and I still need to finishing prepping my shop area in the garage. Too durn many things taking up my building time already!! What is it they say? Life Happens? This weekend I will finish the shop cleanup and get my workbench assembled, and if time permits, run a couple of extra 110VAC circuits for more outlets and lights...

Then on top of all that, I have to head out west next week for some flight tests (on my real job) :eek: ... Ah well, at least I'm still around airplanes...
Yep, I really have to spend more than $2200, but thats just the basic tool kit... I've already got like $10K of tools for my A&P job :). I love this industry!