
Well Known Member
(RV8-QB) Ok ive looked at all the post on the three lower -4 bolt holes. Here is my problem the two lower bolts that go through the lower hinge bracket(vs-410pp) and the wd-409, if I drilled for a -4 there is no way I will have ANY edge clearance. If I were to drill for a -3 I might have 1/16. I checked everything ten times and every other measurement is perfect...................I dont know what to do should ? This is from A pre-punched empennage kit and a QB fuselage. Any help would be appreciated.
Contact Vans

If I were you I would:-

1. Take digital photos
2. Measure every which way against the plans
3. Send all the info to Vans

It isn't beyond the realm of possibility that the QB builders used the incorrect/old drawings when putting the tailwheel mount in (assuming it was them that did it). If that is the case it could very well be wrong. Vans should be able to tell you.

Here is where I posted on my kitlog about the incorrect DWG 73.

which I found info on here...

You might also post some pictures (with measured dimensions) here if you want other builders to be able to see exactly what your problem area is...
Vertical Stabilizer

Jeff thanks ,I looked at you Kit Log information one thing for sure my spar is mounted slightly higher in the F-812 bulkhead than yours. I got the QB fuselage and Vans did not include drawing #73 in with the fuselage and I also did not get the #73 drawing in my preview plans. The only drawing I have related to mounting the vertical stabilizer is #27 ( page 8-17 "Mounting the Vertical Stabilizer" in the manual) only refers to drawin #27. Drawing #27 gives a measurment of 8 1/8 upper serface of vs-410 hinge bracket to top edge of F-812B angle and that is exactly where it is at, but in looking at your photo I can tell that my VS spar is slightly higher in the bulkhead than yours...........I will see if I can get the kid up the runway to take some photos and post them. Again Thanks for any and all help.
I was going to suggest checking the vertical position of the spar as well....that seems to be one of the "most-missed" measurements by folks installing the -8 tail - it really hides on the drawing!
