
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Andy Roonie mode - ON

Have you noticed recently how many times people are leaving the pump handles in the wrong positions at self serve pumps? I mean, granted, no two aviation self serve set-ups are identical, but really, most of them have you spend an interminable amount of time interacting with the credit cad computer, and then tell you to turn the pump on using the handle on the pump. OK, so they don't actually TELL you to turn it back off when you are finished, but come's like flushing when you're finished with the "facilities", right?

So you leave the pump handle "on", and the next guy comes along and does the credit card shuffle....

"Please Swipe your card" - SWIPE

"Have you grounded your aircraft for static?" - YES

"Please enter the N Number of the aircraft being refueled" - (Long and complex interaction with telephone keypad alphanumerics requiring muttered bad words...)

"Please Select Pump" - (There's only one most places, but still, you have to choose!)

" Are you sure?" - YES, DANG IT!

"Select gallons or dollar limit" - GALLONS

"How much" - Oh, I guess I'll take 30, no 20, now heck, I might need 42, oh nuts....

"Are you sure?" - I'm gonna bust you if you keep asking.....!!

"Dialing for Credit Card Authorization.......Approved....please turn pump handle ON"

Ah nuts!! The last guy left it on, so now I have to turn it off, the pump is going to reset, and I have to START OVER!!! :eek:

OK, so I admit that self serve pumps are the greatest thing to hit airport service in a long time, and I'd far rather use one than let some kid mess with my RV....but come on folks, lets turn them off when you're done....Oh, and flush the Loo as well! :D

Andy Roonie mode - off

(Seriously, all in good fun, but prompted by running into this problem three times at three airports on my recent's probably those Cessna drivers that also leave the ladder out in the middle fo the taxiway.... ;) )
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Hey Paul,
Let's look at the other side of the situation. If the last guy didn't turn the pump off, maybe his credit card is still activated too. Worth a try.
Ironflight said:
Andy Roonie mode - ON

Have you noticed recently how many times people are leaving the pump handles in the wrong positions at self serve pumps? I mean, granted, no two aviation self serve set-ups are identical, but really, most of them have you spend an interminable amount of time interacting with the credit cad computer, and then tell you to turn the pump on using the handle on the pump. OK, so they don't actually TELL you to turn it back off when you are finished, but come's like flushing when you're finished with the "facilities", right?

So you leave the pump handle "on", and the next guy comes along and does the credit card shuffle....

"Please Swipe your card" - SWIPE

"Have you grounded your aircraft for static?" - YES

"Please enter the N Number of the aircraft being refueled" - (Long and complex interaction with telephone keypad alphanumerics requiring muttered bad words...)

"Please Select Pump" - (There's only one most places, but still, you have to choose!)

" Are you sure?" - YES, DANG IT!

"Select gallons or dollar limit" - GALLONS

"How much" - Oh, I guess I'll take 30, no 20, now heck, I might need 42, oh nuts....

"Are you sure?" - I'm gonna bust you if you keep asking.....!!

"Dialing for Credit Card Authorization.......Approved....please turn pump handle ON"

Ah nuts!! The last guy left it on, so now I have to turn it off, the pump is going to reset, and I have to START OVER!!! :eek:

OK, so I admit that self serve pumps are the greatest thing to hit airport service in a long time, and I'd far rather use one than let some kid mess with my RV....but come on folks, lets turn them off when you're done....Oh, and flush the Loo as well! :D

Andy Roonie mode - off

(Seriously, all in good fun, but prompted by running into this problem three times at three airports on my recent's probably those Cessna drivers that also leave the ladder out in the middle fo the taxiway.... ;) )
Besides the possible offense I could take to the Cessna drivers reference (Ok not really) I must point out that if the Cessna driver actually left the ladder in the middle of the taxiway he'd have bigger problems then you. Ever seen what one of those ladder does to a cessna leading edge?

Speaking of damage at fuel pumps, those with good turn radius need to watch out for those concrete poles they put around the pumps. My dad managed to crack a stabilator tip on one when turning out of the pumps at Hesperia...
How about this as an idea...

It seems that since I typically have to add fuel about every other flight or so, the most important factor in selecting an N number for my plane should be how easy it is to punch into the fuel pump console.

Something like N555NN should do it.

Just a thought.

N297NW (pretty easy other than the W)
Yo Andy...

...thanks for the reminder Paul. After reading your rant I realized I just did exactly that yesterday (without the ladder). Now I'll remember! :rolleyes:
Use any N number you want.

MSFT-1 said:
It seems that since I typically have to add fuel about every other flight or so, the most important factor in selecting an N number for my plane should be how easy it is to punch into the fuel pump console.

Something like N555NN should do it.

Just a thought.

N297NW (pretty easy other than the W)
The pump won't know the differance. :rolleyes:


When Chevron delivered bad fuel, they traced down people that purchased bad fuel by the N number.....NEW MOTORS FOR EVERY ONE!!

Oh, and Paul, Go kick the cat..... :eek:

I am glad you are able to vent your frustrations!
You may be able to qualify as a "Curmudgeon," ala Robert D. Raiford of the John Boy and Billy Show. (Search for "the big show" for the web page.)

Raiford, nearly 80 years old, Harley rider, J-3 pilot, veteran radio and TV personality, offers his opinion on anything and everything 3 times a day, 5 days a week on the syndicated morning radio show which originates from Charlotte, NC. He often quotes Andy Rooney and takes pride in calling himself "Curmudgeon-at-Large." Everybody agrees with some of what he says, and no one agrees with everything he says. And, I would venture to say, if you asked him what he thought about the fuel pump handles, he would agree with you.


P.S. I will make a good effort to make sure the self-serve pump handle is in the proper position after I pump fuel from now on!
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