Paul Thomas

Well Known Member
A couple of years ago, after talking at length with a couple forum members (Thanks for educating me), I settled on a primer and priming method. It's a cadmium free two part epoxy primer. I'm only sharing this as an additional data point, I'm not looking to start a debate on the merits of priming or which primer you should use. It would have helped me to know more about other primers when I made my decision and I hope this will help others.

Here is my write up (Written December 08) on the test I've done:
During fall, in 2006, I primed and left some test pieces outside. I live in Florida and I'm less than 1/2 from the beach so the pieces got their fair share of humidity, sun and salt air which should have promoted corrosion. I'm happy to report all the test pieces are corrosion free. In contrast, I've recently found some corrosion after pulling the blue plastic off some of my parts.
Test 1: No preparation; primer held but can be removed with light scratching and flakes off. Further bending will continue flaking process.
Test 2: Light wipe with acetone; primer held by can be removed with scratching. Will sometime flake but I suspect this is due to a poor "cleaning" on my part as it rarely happens and then only on the small odd spot.
Test 3: Scrubbed with Scotchbrite pad, wiped with acetone; primer held and won't be removed with scratching unless it's a deep scratch. Bending (within reasons), dimpling and other activities do not appear to be a problem now that the has set. Having worked with the primer, before the paint as set those activities could be problematic.
Test 4: Scrubbed with Scotchbrite pad while cleaning with soap, wiped with acetone. Same results as test 3.

MSDS: 10P4-2.pdf
Spec Sheet: