
Well Known Member
For the RV 7-9 fuselagae plans, drawing 19. for the rivets from F-601A-2 to F-601L-1 to WD-602-1, the callout is for AD436D4-6 rivets. What are these? Or is this just a typo, and they meant AD426 like everywhere else?
definite typo!

PRK, Just read my pre-plan book that was current as of 24 april 2007 and that drawing called for the AN 426d rivets. so yes yours is an older set witha typo!! :)
You're working on the fuselage and you're still reading the rivet callouts?

And I'm still amazed at how often the callout is too short. On the firewall there are tonnes of 3-3.5 that really should be 3-4s. I suspect sometimes for back-riveting they call for shorter rivets, because in my experience it's easier to cleat a rivet over badly when back-riveting. Anyway, i've found most of the callouts on the firewall are too short.. but some of them I've used the specified rivets anyway, because it was too difficult to back-rivet the longer ones without bending them.