
Well Known Member
I wanted to share a moment that certainly brought a grin to all listening on the radio.

Sunday, a group of RV's from the neighborhood went to lunch at Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Doug Weiler, Ken Beene, Tom Berge, Peter Fruehling, Brian Flood, Patrick Hamala and his wife, Tim Olson and myself (sorry if I forgot someone!).

Anyway, I ended up holding short of runway 22 for landing traffic, and the others had mostly departed ahead. An aircraft landed and cleared the runway. The tower called me for immediate takeoff with a Citation jet on final (probably a Menard's jet). So, I lined up and let 'er rip. I pulled the nose up and held 90 knots until I was just exiting the class D through the top. I was not yet 1.5 miles from the airport, but had climbed 2500' agl. Just as I was about to call the tower to request frequency change, or more accurately, to inform them of doing so (no radar there), the Citation, which was on the landing roll, called the tower. "Eau Claire tower, what was that aircraft that just took off?" "Citation 123, that was an experimental." Me: "That aircraft is an RV6-A" Citation: "Man, that thing climbs like a banshee!" Me: "Eau Claire tower, RV66AP request frequency change, above your airspace now".

Love it

Actually being asked to slow down (after ATC asked for more speed) is always my favourite.

MVY Tower, watching F Lee Bailey make a short-field departure in his Lear: "Impressive. What do you do for an encore?"
Bailey: "I light off the other engine."

I really enjoyed being taken to task by a young flight instructor for "showing off." Took a little while to convince him that my RV8 would climb like it does. Offered him a ride but he declined.:)

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
200 HP "Crocodile"