Scott Chastain

Active Member
For Zion's sake I will not hold my Peace,
And for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest,
Until her righteousness goes forth as brightness,
And her salvation as a lamp that burns.

Isaiah 62:1
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What a heart-warming story...

...Scott! The first time that I ever saw a Shar-pei was on the cover of those freebie magazines in a Boeing 727 to California.

Wow, a size 2 dog in a size 12 skin!! Love at first sight. It was then that I read about their near demise in China and an incredible rescue by concerned Americans.

Great news, Scott,

Excellent Scott! Nothing like puppy breath!!

Sorry to hear of your loss of Cleco...I dread the day when it's time comes for mine...but stories of new pups keep the smile going!

Great stuff Scooter! Welcome to the newest WC Ravens' mascot, eh! :D

See you (and your new gal) at the next form brief brudda!

Scott, so sorry to hear about your loss of Cleco. Thanks for sharing the story and good luck with the new pup - sound like she may enjoy being a copilot which will open up the possibility for some new adventures!

Great story and glad the flight went well. Enjoy your new best friend!

Nice story...and I am glad to see the use of Mutt Muffs. I have a pair for our little Maltese...she used to hate to fly and would just sit in my wifes lap and shake...with the Mutt Muffs she will look out the window a little and then go to sleep...remember your furry friend has hearing better than yours at least initially...Oh, I have no stake in Mutt Muffs but they seem to work great...currently working on an RV8 Fuselage and flying a float equiped Citabria 7GCBC...
The only solution

to losing your 'best friend' is to find another one. Thankfully, there are many to choose from. I applaud your decision to get another one asap. There will never be another Cleco but, in my opinion, puppies and babies confirm that 'everything is going to be all right'. Miss my Pug 'Apricot Pi'.:)


That dog ROCKS!!
Great story

I love reading stories like this one. My little girl is almost 13 and I know her time is limited. Like you, I can't imagine what I will do when she is gone. With no wife and no kids, she is my world. I am glad there are more out there with such a strong bond with their animals.

Eric Kallio

Dogs are without a doubt the most perfect creatures in the world!

DOG----GOD Maybe it's no accident that DOG is GOD spelled backwards. Maybe dogs were put on earth so we humans might understand the concept of unconditional love.

Scott, Gracie is adorable. Congrats on your new friend. Even though you can't replace Cleco, Gracie will help fill that void in your life.

My Shelties don't like to fly, but they love to go with me everywhere! I flew down to pickup the "Dylan",the Blue Merle, at the breader in Sugarland Tx. Builder Doll held him for the ninety minute flight home.

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Great Story Scott

First of all, I am sorry to hear of your loss. My 13 yr old golden had to be put down this past December and was there for all of my construction at the hanger as well.
Congrats on your new baby. My sister in Dallas breeds and shows Shar Pei's all over the country. She is quite well known in the breed.
I had one for awile many years ago....Mr. Big Head.
Take care of your new girl and I'm forwarding this story to my Sister....

Nice looking furry friend!

My wife compliments you on your new pooch and spelling Gracie's name correctly. She should know, our Goldie's name is....Gracie!

Thanks for the awesome first flight story.
Pretty cool story. While I don't have an RV yet, nor my own airplane, I have it in the back of my head to fly in support of dogs in need. (We are dog lovers, we have 3, 2 labs and a pug) I love stories like this and those stories of helping out rescued dogs travel from shelters to thier new homes.

I have never taken one of my dogs flying (not sure how the rental place would react) but I often wonder what it takes to acclimate a dog to such a thing. Anybody know? And where do you get those doggie headsets?
Flying with dogs

Years ago a friend loaded wife and himself in the front seats of their Piper Pacer and their dog in the back seat. About liftoff time the dog decided to join masters in the front seats: results: plane totaled in the ditch alongside the runway.