
Well Known Member
We created this video a few months ago to let our family and friends know about our big surprise - a new First Officer for Cooper Air. Our neighbor helped with the video production and we couldn't think of a better way to announce his arrival then to include our other baby. Since this video was shared, we have learned it will be a boy and he is due in about 10 days.

So we thought others might enjoy seeing this announcement as well.
Just watched that before retiring for the night at OSH. My wife even put her book down... to watch. Very cool !!!
Congrats Coope!

I remember the video but can't believe 8.5 months have past so quickly! Congrats and remember that it's never too early to begin flight training for the lil' F.O.

cooper air policy

I'd make sure the kid fully understands the line at the bottom of your Cooper Air Flight Services sign... "Unruly persons will be expelled from aircraft at pilots discretion"

lil FO's can be a bit "unruly" while in training!!!


Congratulations on the pending addition to your flight crew.

Now for the important question - When does your lovely wife get to start drinking wine again? :) Hope the three of you can come visit once things have settled down and the new F.O. is trained up on his/ her duties!