Terry Lutz

Well Known Member
Having just completed the inspection required by SB00036 (no cracks found!), I brought the images home and printed them for my maintenance logbook. Even though I made a list of the images I recorded, because the images look almost the same, I had to triple check that the ones I printed and labeled were correct for the side I had inspected. I opened the tooling hole out to 9/32 with a Unibit to accomodate the tiny MS450-NTC borescope. Here is the challenge: find a way to put a label or mark on the front side of the rear spar to identify which side you are photographing, through that tiny hole.
May be possible with a Q Tip attached to a stiff wire, dabbing different paint colors for each side.
Red and Green to match the nav lights.
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Write "front" on a piece of paper, take a picture of that, then take all the pictures you want of the front...write "rear" on the paper, take a picture of that, then take all the pictures of the rear - images labeled by ordering :)
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If your borescope hooks up to a smart phone, you can edit the picture on the phone with what ever you want to notate. Funny thing is that I just edited this picture as an example, but I can’t remember if it was the left or right. I think I’ll start doing the edit as soon as I take a picture.

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