
Hello everybody,
my first post here... but have been reading for a while...
First let me say that you are an incredible community. I see huge competence, great passion, enriching diversity... really I am impressed and would love to join.
Where am I...
Would really like to build and fly a 9, I think I have most things sorted out but still a big question mark: Do I fit comfortably in a 9?
I know the question has been asked many times, I am 2.00m/85kg (6'7"/188lbs) and I understand I might fit but, before embarking myself in this big project, I need to be sure I would fit with sufficient confort. For this a proper "fit check" is necessary, in a 9 or 7 set up for a tall pilot (possibly with the almost RV14 mod...) and here comes my next issue... I live in the Netherlands and couldn't find anything suitable close by up to now.
So the big question is: do you know of a suitable RV (even still under construction) in the Netherlands or somewhere in Europe (ideally close to the NL but also close to Italy would work)??
Thanks and happy building/flying to all of you,
Have a look in France and Belgium

Goeiedag Diego,

I am the proud owner of a -7 in France (although I just moved abroad).

If you want to try if you fit in a -9 I suggest you look in Belgium or in France.
The -9 is the same fuselage as the -7 so both models would be good for you to try.
I know thare are several -7 or -9 in Belgium, and many more in France. I think there may even be some in the Netherlands.

Have a look at the French Vans community here:

or the facebook page
ask to join the facebook page if you want I'll accept your request quickly.
You can also join the Vans Club de France, it's mostly in French but several members speak good english..

We have an annual fly-in in June every year. Next one will be in Pont-Sur-Yonne (LFGO) near Paris, on June 14-15-16 2019. Everyone is welcome to attend, it's a great week end with good company, good food and wine around the best homebuilts on the planet ;-)
I know it's still several month away but if you have not found an aircraft to try yet and if you come you can be almost sure to get an introduction flight on one of the many airplane that will be present... We've had some crew flying from the Netherlands on several past fly-ins.

I hope this helps...

You are welcome in Beauvais

Hi Diego
You are welcome to try my RV9A on for size. It is standard lay out e.g. No "tall pilot" modification, but seats from Classic Aero.
However you should not worry - one of your fellow Dutch builders with similar physical dimensions - have already checked it out.
I am in Beauvais LFOB, but we might be able to work out something...
Please drop me a mail if interested

@Mike: Thanks!

@Alain: Thanks for the tip. I was in contact with some Dutch builders but none had any tailoring for a tall guy... I will investigate Belgium and France for sure.

@Lasse: Thanks for the kind offer, I will keep looking for some tall pilot modified RV9/7 but if nothing comes up I might visit you. Currently I would need to drive (5.5h according to google) so some planning would be required. You mentioned a big Dutch builder... any chance he could be contacted?

I have a friend who is vertically challenged as you are & flys in many standard RV6s & 7s, he makes it work by using a 1/2? foam pad in place of the seat cushion. Not ideal but if he were to fly one of these long term, he would build a custom lightly cushioned fiberglass bucket seat similar to used in race cars.

Another way to gain height is to slightly curve the seat back into an arch (like a car seat) I did this mod to a Harmon Rocket & was able to give the owner (his head originally rubbed the canopy) enough space to actually wear a helmet & clear.

So, it can be done.