After reading Doug's "READ THIS", I noted his comment that this is not an anonymous forum.

I've had a few minor posts here and there, but basically have read every post as though its part of the morning news for the better part of two years.

I'm Tim Jones, and I live about 5 miles from Vans. I work as a manufacturing engineer, and the thought of "manufacturing" my own airplane is intriguing to say the least!

Any other anonymous posters joining me? :cool:

Regards to all.

Welcome Tim and just stop dreaming....... :D I once did and finally made up my mind and 1 year and 10 months later all the loose pieces of aluminum and the thousands of rivets became airborne. That was last year, November, and the bird has 175 very happy hours on her.

See the smile in the passenger seat?


Just do it............. :)
Build Your Own 9


Go out to Van's and get a ride in the 9. You will love it. The kit is wonderful,
and as an engineer, should be a fun experience to build your own airplane. I've been working on my 9 for a couple of years now, and enjoying every minute.
All in fun

cytoxin said:
do you really want neighbors, freinds, x's, students, lawyers, insurance agents, prospective employers, the MEDIA to be able to search your name and find EVERY post you ever made? hmmmmmm, not me ;)

"Clear conscience never fears midnight knocking"
(Chinese Proverb)

My name is Mark Burns
Rare last name here

I agree with you for the same reasons Cytoxin. However I fear I have left too much of a trail already.
Pierre: Thanks for the encouragement! I like to think that there was a bit of Divine intervention regarding my close location to Vans! My wife has approved the project, but we've got a BIG lanscaping job to complete this year. Shooting for a 2008 start ...

Yukon: You are right - I need to hop on the bike and take an RV-9a demo ride!

Captain John: You are a FUNNY guy! :D

Cytoxin: I understand your concerns, but I share the sentiments of Mark's post.

Mark: Nice quote!

Regards to all,
Good and bad

cytoxin said:
Clear conscience, oh its clear, crystal clear. thats not the concern. have you ever been a deffendant ..words can be twisted up and clipped to mean entirely different things then what they meant when said.

the prospect of identity theft does not interest me as well. but for those of you that divulge. well i comend you. but when a stranger comes up to you and knows more about you than you do. kinda makes me want to clean up the trail some. i can immagine that some of the high profile guys here kinda wish they sometimes were not so high profile.

I hear what you're saying and I respect your decision. Personally, I don't believe the 007 approach is worth the effort.

Good things can come from people knowing who you are and where you live.

FiveNinerTIM said:
Captain John: You are a FUNNY guy! :D

I get that alot! ;)

Honestly, I have met some really cool people from boards like these. My identity is vaguely shielded. I put the KPYM in the lcoation box and if you are so inclined to google or FAA search the "N" number, I can easily be located.

I just choose not to put it all right out there and make people do some work for it!

As most people know, I am pretty involved here at the local level and make a presence out here on the web. If you are from New England, I have probably heard your name and you may have heard mine.

When these faceless, sterile environments are the means of meeting people, some seem to forget that there is really a person on the other side of the conversation. I am not an application!

Keepin' it real!

:cool: CJ
call me anonymous...

I am 100% in cytoxin's corner. I don't need folks googling my name and then reading every post for a whole lot of reasons - including security. I have no problem giving D.R. my name... heck... I'll give him my cell phone#. But do I need my name posted? No thanks. You all can put a name and face to my post if we meet at a fly-in some day! :D

I just found an interesting piece of information. As of 30 seconds ago, there were 36 registered users and 78 "Guests" currently online. I guess there's quite a few in cytoxin's corner!
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Registered user

joeboisselle said:
I just found an interesting piece of information. As of 30 seconds ago, there were 36 registered users and 78 "Guests" currently online. I guess there's quite a few in cytoxin's corner!

Actually Cytoxin is a registered user. Am I correct in that you thought he wasn't?

Reading your bio on the members list tells me that we have a lot in common for sure. We just disagree on this anonymous thing. I look forward to meeting you at a fly-in someday!

How will I know it's you? :)

The scary thing is when you use your real name, you can google yourself and all your VAF posts will show up!
TSwezey said:
The scary thing is when you use your real name, you can google yourself and all your VAF posts will show up!

Which means one should be carefull about what he writes.

I've gone back a few times and deleted an entire message mostly because a couple days later it did not make sense to me either. :)

Generally there is a very good exchange of ideas on these forums but sometimes I'd like to stay in the wood work because a thought might rub someone the wrong way and to be out there name, rank and serial number is asking for a royal flame....but Delta Romeo sets the rules here and like a good scout, I will abide.

I've been on forums where no one is standing by with a fire extinguisher and such forums usually end up like in a sewer. This place is pretty civilized by comparison.
cytoxin said:
..... no really i'll be the one buying you a beer.

This is really off tipic on this thread, but ONE good thing about SNF is there is beer available on the field.....not suggesting you buy everyone a beer, but just putting out a positive notam on the event in case such information is important to anyone.
If your at this forum to learn, keeping your identity private is fine. If, like me, your are also dispensing advice, it's a good idea to back yourself up with your name and qualifications as well.
Mark Burns said:
Actually Cytoxin is a registered user. Am I correct in that you thought he wasn't?

Reading your bio on the members list tells me that we have a lot in common for sure. We just disagree on this anonymous thing. I look forward to meeting you at a fly-in someday!

How will I know it's you? :)


No, I realize he's a registered user, but I agree with those who find it a bit creepy to google yourself and find every post on VAF come up (only two came up when I tried it actually) In the "who's online" area it shows the name of who's online and what they're currently viewing, I thought it interesting that 80% of the people currently online at the time were "guests"
I suppose if you're writing anyting on these forums that you'd rather not anyone you know read, perhaps you shouldn't be writing here. Are we liable for any advise we give tho? Due to my screen name it's probably too late to stay low profile now. :) Doug has my name, number and location in the VAF white pages, that's all that he was requesting in his post the other day.
Isn't cytoxin a chemo drug?
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This is a good group of people

It doesn't bother me a bit for you to know who I am or how to get in touch with me.

Tim, my RV9A is hangared at Lenhards airport and I live south of Canby about 5 miles. I would be happy to give you a ride sometime, give me a call.

Kent Byerley
503 627-4045

"Clear conscience never fears midnight knocking"
(Chinese Proverb)

enter the low-fast talker:

"...proverb not valid in China. See communist party for further details."
kentb said:
It doesn't bother me a bit for you to know who I am or how to get in touch with me.

Tim, my RV9A is hangared at Lenhards airport and I live south of Canby about 5 miles. I would be happy to give you a ride sometime, give me a call.

Kent Byerley
503 627-4045

Hi Kent ... SWEET!

real time right here....

WildBill said:
"Clear conscience never fears midnight knocking"
(Chinese Proverb)

enter the low-fast talker:

"...proverb not valid in China. See communist party for further details."

That's funny.
1. I find that being up front and honest gives you an advantage in the public forums.... People know what you think.... and can respect you have the intestinal fortitude to say what you think and not hide anything.
2. Being up front and saying whay you believe always gets you flamed every great once in a while... been there... still have the crispy T-shirt.. It also provokes thought and learning.
3. I also explain the fact that I am human and make mistakes and keep an open mind. I also explain that I am willing to learn.
4. For those of us who have served our country... we now know the sweetness of freedom and how much the sacrifice costs for us to say and vote how we feel. We dont take it for granted.
5. For those of you who dont know me. My name is Brian Wallis. I am a former UH-60L crewchief and doorgunner and loadmaster with 3 tours. I live in Atlanta, GA and I drive a 1971 AA-1A (poor mans 6a). I'm a commercial VFR pilot as well as an A&P and an IA. My aircraft is located at LZU and I am one of the self appointed ambassadors to aviation. I give rides whenever I can and try and educate the general public about aviation. I had an -8 kit but sold it to get out of the service debt free. I often give out free technical advice on the web and free maintenance help to fellow pilots... I have enough to pay the bills... so why get greedy?
6. My Tail number is N41RC. Please feel free to look me up as I consented to have that information public when I bought the airplane and registered it. If anyone is in the ATL GA area and ever needs help; I have LOTS of tools and usually help whoever I can. Please feel free to give me a call. 404-405-1315 is my number and I'm available 24-7, 365. IF I dont answer... it's probably because I'm working and I'm in the middle of a class. Leave a message. I find in life... people who get defensive have something to hide... so I dont press people... if your gonna say it... you'll say it.... If I'm not being shot at or stuck in a minefield (yes it has happened) then I'm usually really relaxed and calm. So come on by sometime and say hello.... I'm tall and I drive a black 2002 Diesel Golf. I'm Driving a 90 hp car.. so you know I"m secure with myself....
PS... I really want a rv-4!!!! Anyone?
Here is my preference in Life.. see below.
I prefer to have a vacuum source for some instruments... all electric airplanes make me nervous... Lightning strike anybody?
I'm not getting into the primer wars...
If you call me several times a day and expect me to work on your aircraft for free after driving an hour each way... dont expect any return phonecalls... I'm human treat me like you would want to be treated.
I'll give you an honest opinion of all the shops in the area... and I'll give you the dirt on each one as well.. I dont feel you should have to get ripped off without knowing the facts first. I've been fired for refusing to sign a non-compete in the state of GA (which is a right to work state)/... it said no work at 3 different airports within 2 yrs after date of termination.... I'm not stupid.... and that business went by the wayside super soon.... cause you dont get anywhere with pissed off mechanics.... DUH! So then I earned a really good job after that with full benefits.... that I'm still at and doing great at.(cause I'm a people person)
I get a kick out of watching super smart people do things in their own universe and fail to realize what reactions "general public" come back with...
I wont buy you a beer.... but I'll buy you a soda... and I dont smoke or party... so no hanging around drunks for me... it leads to trouble. And I LOVE to talk airplanes..... I'm the most open honest person I think you'll find....
Hi... I'm Brian Wallis... and I'll be glad to be your friend. I'm a decorated Vet... and I refuse to take BS from anyone. I'll bend over backwards to help people.... and I'll give the shirt off my back to make things happen... but it's a 2 way street.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Everyone....
Lets all get along.....
N357BW Reserved
N394BW Reserved
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