Well Known Member
...flown by an Englishman.

The weather was kind to us yesterday, and we managed to shoot Mark Albery's RV-8. Mark's machine is still wearing it's 12" temporary N-numbers from it's transatlantic flight, but will soon be G-registered.

Van's RV-8 N713MB by Ed Hicks, on Flickr

Van's RV-8 N713MB by Ed Hicks, on Flickr

Van's RV-8 N713MB by Ed Hicks, on Flickr

Van's RV-8 N713MB by Ed Hicks, on Flickr

Van's RV-8 N713MB by Ed Hicks, on Flickr

Van's RV-8 N713MB by Ed Hicks, on Flickr

Van's RV-8 N713MB by Ed Hicks, on Flickr

Van's RV-8 N713MB by Ed Hicks, on Flickr

Van's RV-8 N713MB by Ed Hicks, on Flickr
Thanks Ed!

I had a great day out, made possible by Adrian and Sandy stepping in with the camera ship and their excellent formation skills manoeuvring amongst the scattered cumulus.

Some of the best air-to-air photos I've ever seen, and the ground shot is impressive too!
Thanks guys, it was a good day to take pictures.

AWESOME Ed, as usual. Thanks for your good work. Now come shoot my plane in Florida.:D

Hey Gary, careful what requests you make...I have been found in Florida in the past!
Stunning Pictures

Ed, those are truly stunning pictures. Works of art. Thank you for sharing.

...that a problem?

I did too, but there was a little voice in the back of my head that grew up on a farm and couldn't help but lament at the weed problem in the pasture.

...that a problem? Would never have thought so... city guy, here. Well it DOES look great!
...emotional pic

the take-off maneuver is already fascinating in itself, but made on that kind of carpet becomes dream.
Emotional pic Ed.

...that a problem? Would never have thought so... city guy, here. Well it DOES look great!

Every spring, we spray wheat to rid it of wild onions, turnips and other flowering weeds. When it's harvested, the farmer would be docked money for weeds and non-wheat seeds. In the case of pasture land, they compete with the hay for moisture as well.


Pierre, thank you very much for the explanation! Now that you explained it, makes a lot of sense.
Funny how one can be SUCH a dummy in certain subjects...:rolleyes:
Thank you!

Ed, it looks like you did some post-processing? Or perhaps some sort of filter? I'm sure a number of us would be interested to know how you produced that nice look.

Andy I think you'll find that when Ed replies he will say no processing and no filters. He is simply a wonderful aviation photographer who has a great eye and works closely with his pilots and the landscape to get the best out of every aircraft he shoots. That is why I asked him to put the final icing on my project cake and boy did he deliver. A true pro.
Ed, it looks like you did some post-processing? Or perhaps some sort of filter? I'm sure a number of us would be interested to know how you produced that nice look.



Like Bob says, I'm not a big fan of significant post processing - and he's been sat next to the laptop and seen the process first hand. I try to shoot it right, and not have to spend much time on it afterwards.

The RAW files are imported into my Mac through Lightroom. Using one of these files as an example, I made a small change to colour temperature to correct it, applied a small amount of shadow enhancement (I generally shoot a third of a stop underexposed, so as to not risk loosing detail at the upper end of the exposure), and a little saturation. A couple of dust marks were removed (must clean my sensor!), and the file received standard Lightroom sharpening when I exported it (RAW files are unsharpened).