Greg Arehart

Well Known Member
So, while many of you were at Oshkosh, Julia and I decided to take our holiday by heading north to cooler country to visit friends in northwest BC, with stops along the way. The link below comprises a partial photo log and narrative of our trip, abbreviated so that it (hopefully) is not completely boring. The captions provide the context and you may want to manually page through the slides if you want to read the captions. As a starter, here is the route of flight:

I hope this provides some inspiration to those still building as to what one can do with an RV. We'll be headed back north again next year if anyone wants to accompany us....

Nice write up. Not a chance of getting bored with this read. Looked like a great trip.

I may have too add some pictures as well. It is to bad we didn't run into each other up there Greg. I just got home in the RV7 from a trip that involved a fishing trip into Atlin and a 3 night stay in a cabin on Tagish Lake. We parked our Airplanes at Carcross while at the Cabin. It certainly is nice country up there. We went a little farther North where we spent 3 nights in Dawson City, and 2 nights in Whitehorse. Just got home about 10 days ago. It was especially fun watching the airplanes in our group take off, then passing them, and then watching them land every leg. Your pictures are very good of your trip. I uploaded a few to spot adventures and will share the link.
WOW!!! I could almost hear John Denver singing in the background.

I can't wait to make a trip like that. Thanks for posting!

Interesting, I saw your plane on the ramp (next to the Glasair) at Atlin the day I landed (19th) and was wondering who it belonged to. Where on Tagish were you staying? Jim's place is at the west end of Graham Inlet, about halfway down the lake.


I'll undoubtedly be through that area again and will look you up (as long as there's no fog!). Julia took the photo of the peonies.


Too bad you did not visit Whitehorse. Nice little touristic city with lots of history. You would have liked it.

The cabin we stayed at was on the North Beach of tagish, right beside where it narrows and flows into Marsh Lake. I am a little disappointed we never bumped into each other. I am sure we could have shared stories. If there was only the Glastar parked beside me on the ramp was the day we plane pooled and left the two 172 cessna's back at Carcross. We were out on Atlin Lake trout fishing. We departed about 3 pm for Whitehorse that day. Let me know when you head North next year.
What a great illustrated story thank you! Wow! Love tectonics and wildlife. I would call it "The Greg's Tour". Bookmarked and on the list to visit.
Great Travel story


Thanks for the great travel story. Loved the flower, bird and artsy pictures, all with great explanations.
Thank you for posting such an inspirational set of pictures. Having been to many of those places (Banff and more south), it is nice to see them again from an RV perspective. Very well done pics, very inspirational.

I've been to Whitehorse many times (worked out of there actually), and it is a nice town but I didn't need to stop by again. Maybe next year.


Our camera is a Panasonic DMZ-FZ5 and is about 5 years old. We got it in 2005 for a trip to Africa (wildlife) because it has a 12x optical zoom (but most of the time for scenic shots we don't use the zoom much) and "image stabilization" which worked very well in SA. It's been a great camera. I have to give Julia credit for a lot of the photos, although I took some of them.
