
Does anyone have any recommendations for textbooks to study for the AMT written tests? I would prefer PDF format if possible.
Did all of my test prep

at National Aviation Academy -- all of our text books were from Jeppesen and the videos from King ---- worked great for all three of the writtens. The practical test prep was hands-on at the NAA workshop.

I used the ASA books. While I do most everything else online, I went with the hard copy for this. They present the questions and answers with the correct answers in a footnote on each page. The first time thru I read the question then highlighted the correct answer. That satisfied the law of primacy. Anything I was unsure of I looked up elsewhere. When done, I went back and reread it once or twice. Each book provides 5 keys for an online practice test. With the practice score in the 90s, I took the real test. Then on to the next test. I did all three that way in about two weeks total. There is also a section in each book on the oral and practical. I also bought the separate O&P book but the chapters in the three others were adequate prep.

Congrats on getting approval for the tests and good luck however you choose to study.
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Test Prep vs Knowledge

When I did my A&P about 10 years ago the Jeppesen books were our primary text books. It was about that time that the FAA updated their AMT books. The FAA books were optional for us, but I used both.

I would say the FAA books are at least as good as the Jeppesen books if not better.

However, for taking the written test the Test Prep books or software is the way to go. Even if you have memorized all the AMT books, the test questions will still trip you up. It just the way the questions and answers are written. Some times the "wrong" answer is the correct answer for the test.

The AMT books will help you to develop a deeper understanding of the material, not just the test answers. You will need this for your Practical Test.
We are using the FAA books for the A&P program at Miramar College.

The ASA test guides have the FAA questions for preparing for the Written test and they also have a test prep book for the Practical and Oral tests.