Mike Macon

Well Known Member
So I am sitting in the Portland airport killing time after being bumped off a SFO to RDM flight (I hate flying commercial) and diverted to PDX. I find a window seat (runway view of course) in the "Rogue Ales Public House" and pull out the laptop to check out VAF. The waiter notices an RV on the screen and asks about it. As I am trying to explain, I look up and where there has been nothing but airliners departing, I see Trey Johnson's RV on floats taking off. I tell the waiter there is a fine example of an RV. He said "cool". If he only knew how cool.
Thanks Trey, you made my day.

Yes my 7a makes a few visits to PDX a year as well. They have you make a mid field departure (VFR) from 28R to stop you running into the wake of the daparting jets..Always sounds pretty cool having a large bore piston single flying over the roof of the departure building if your inside..:)
