
I have a vans x0-360, 60 amp alternator, AF3400 EFIS, and Vans Whelen combo strobe and position lights. With the engine running and in batt/alt position, when I turn equipment on, the amps are high, but they come down as the batt is charged. When I turn strobes on the amps go full scale and don't appear to come down as time goes on. Any comments, do I need to be concerned. All the lights, equipment appears to operate normally.
What's "full scale"?
The lights and strobes together draw around 10-12 amps.
Where are you measuring the current draw? On the feeder from the alternator to the busbar?
What value is the current when the engine first starts and before the strobes are switched on?
What is the current after half an hour without the strobes on?
What is batt/alt position?

Check Shunt

I only say this because a 'full scale' reading seems almost impossible to get with the proper shunt in the line. Check the shunt size and sensor lines to the EFIS.
Upon closer examination, it is not full scale, but in to the red area of the efis guage. It reads 12 to 11 amps with both the nav and strobe lights on, 8 amps nav lights alone. Maybe I need to recalibrate the red zone on the efis meter. That was the first flight and in my alarmist state, guess i was overly concerned.