Active Member
Yesterday was one of those days in your life that you add to the "Greatest Days of my Life" list. My oldest daughter and I took our RV6 to the Golden West EAA Fly-In and Airshow. This was her first Airshow.

We left the house about 0530, a quick stop for breakfast, and a 35 minute drive to the airport. We were scheduled to meet up with Rod Bower in near by Visalia (actually where I live, but the airplane is in Porterville). We launched at 0630 for the 0700 meeting in KVIS. As we prepared to depart, as a flight of two, Rod had a minor mechanical problem. After it was determined it was going to take a while to repair, Emily and I decided to head for Marysville on our own. We departed at just after 0720, landing at 0840.

Rod eventually made it to KMRV after he repaired his airplane, and I believe he won some type of award.

Spending the day with my 11 year old. Flying the RV, and taking her to an airshow was just one of those occasions that I'll remember for the rest of my life. We had a great day. Sitting next to the airplane, playing Old Maid (which isn't easy in 25 kt wind), looking at the other airplanes, visiting with fellow RV'rs and future RV'rs. Watching a great airshow, and then getting back in the RV and heading for home. Made it home in 1:15 with 190 kt Ground Speed. 12 hours Hangar door to Hangar door.

She was really mesmerized by all the chatter on the radio as we left. The wind really took a toll on Emily though, her allergies were really bad on the plane ride home and the poor kid was kind of miserable. I climbed up to 9,500 ft, but she started having a problem breathing. She was doing fine, but after we leveled off the lack of oxygen started to aggravate a cough she developed the day before. For obvious reasons, I descended back down to 7,500, and she felt a lot better.:eek: Sorry Em!

The San Joaquin Valley was unusually clear yesterday. I wish I had taken some pictures on the way up, and back. You could see all the way across. From the Sierra's to the coastal ranges. A great day for flying.

You know you're doing right by your kids when they get out the CD's in the airplane and put on Jimmy Buffett. "How bout a little travel'in music Dad?":cool:

Here are a few pictures:


I know you Texas people are going to get all excited when you see these shirts. . . LOL Yea, we tried the Texas thing, four Californians. . . just couldn't assimilate. Hah!:D Had to move back.



This is where we tried to stay out of the wind and play cards while we waited for the airshow. It was tough, but good times.

Now the Rock Star part. I saw Dan Checkoway, Randy Lervold, and Paul Rosales. I know they're just guys like us, but to US, they are Rock Stars. I didn't bother them, they were busy getting ready to fly, and I am sure it was a difficult flight, given the wind conditions. But it was cool to be in their midst. Just for the record, I don't usually mix it up with famous people. Even at work, when we do get them on the airplane, just not my style.

The best thing I heard yesterday,

"Dad, this has been the best day ever! When can we go again?" Reno?!

The second best thing I heard, while walking around the booths, one of the representatives of the many LSA vendors said,

"Man, those Van's Air Force caps are everywhere, I see more of those than anything!" I just smiled a smirky smile and kept on walking. . . he obviously needs a ride in the competition. . . eh?

And the third best thing. . .

"442Tango, Norcal Approach, Radar Contact."
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Jason, good write up.

I remember seeing/saying hi to you and your daughter as we were getting ready to leave.

You are very lucky she enjoys the flying thing. Nurture it.
Hi Mike, was that you that walked up to apologize for "cutting" in line?;) When we were on the ramp lining up? Or, were we still in the grass? I talked to a lot of folks, since I was sitting next to the airplane all day.

Thanks for the comments. I am trying to nurture her aviation interest. She is an 11 year old girl, and I am sure the next couple of years will be a good ground work, then I'll probably lose her for a few years while she does that teenager thing. But, with a little hard work she'll be back and maybe we can build that -8 together.

It was pretty cool for her to see Jacquie Warda in the Pitts. We watched her get her airplane ready for a few minutes. Then the show was pretty exciting for Em.
Thanks Jason. That was a wonderful read. If you're ever in DFW long enough for lunch it's on me.

The second best thing I heard, while walking around the booths, one of the representatives of the many LSA vendors said,

"Man, those Van's Air Force caps are everywhere, I see more of those than anything!" I just smiled a smirky smile and kept on walking. . . he obviously needs a ride in the competition. . . eh?

Yeah, that LSA vendor was me, and I'll take a ride in your RV anytime you want!
LOL. . . too funny!

Yeah, that LSA vendor was me, and I'll take a ride in your RV anytime you want!

Craig, how are we gonna keep you motivated to move your product if we corrupt you with the thrill that is. . . RV?;)

Seriously though. . .

Are you coming to Porterville on the 21st? If so, look for me and I'll shoot you around the patch. Our hangar is on the Northwest part of the airport and it is next to "High Roller" which will probably have it's nose out of the hangar too.
Hi Mike, was that you that walked up to apologize for "cutting" in line?;) When we were on the ramp lining up? Or, were we still in the grass? I talked to a lot of folks, since I was sitting next to the airplane all day.

Nope, not the cutting in line.

You were still sitting in the weeds, about 1:30 or so, bunch of planes left. I was in a blue "Homecomming" shirt. We were in the -10 ahead of you and to the right a bit----

By the way, the red RV-4 that was parked close to you, and left at just before us was another of your "Rock Stars", Dayton Murdock of the throttle quadrant fame.

So, is that Bob's RV 8 (Show Planes mods) you are standing in front of????

Wish I had known it was there, I really want to see it close up.

As far as "loosing her" to the teenage stuff, you are probably right. But as long as the seed is planted now, things should be fine when the chemicals slow down, and sanity returns. Keep the interest up as long as you have the chance.

You will be rewarded for your efforts with her.
Having been one of Randy Lervold's "Groupies" for the past ten years, I can attest to the fact that he is truly one of the good guys. Too bad you didn't get the chance to talk to him, as it would have undoubtly been a memorable conversation. Also he has a very nice paint scheme on his three, all he needs to do is checker the rudder!
Nope, not the cutting in line.

So, is that B(R)o(d)b's RV 8 (Show Planes mods) you are standing in front of????

Wish I had known it was there, I really want to see it close up.

Okay, I know who you are now, that was/is a beautiful -10. First one I have seen up close and personal.

Yep, that is Rod Bower's -8, with FastBack and extended cowl and . . . and. . .

It is a beautiful airplane. My partner on the -6 has a saying, "Rod Bower doesn't build airplanes, he makes jewelery." If you do get the chance to see it up close and personal. . . you'll see why. Oh yea, ask him to show you his 90% complete Stewart S51 Mustang too. . . stunning!

Yes, absolutely you should have come over and introduced yourselves to the SoCal Formation Flight Team and got to meet the bunch, meet Rosie & Victoria, do lunch, hang out at the Van's tent, etc... Just another group of RV builders...

Of course he's not going to say anything, but be sure to ask Randy Lervold about his RV-3B "Golden West Fly In & Airshow Custom Built Kit Champion" award that he won at the event!:) Congrats Randy!
I saw Dan Checkoway, Randy Lervold, and Paul Rosales. I know they're just guys like us, but to US, they are Rock Stars. I didn't bother them, they were busy getting ready to fly, and I am sure it was a difficult flight, given the wind conditions. But it was cool to be in their midst. Just for the record, I don't usually mix it up with famous people. Even at work, when we do get them on the airplane, just not my style.

The best thing I heard yesterday,

"Dad, this has been the best day ever! When can we go again?" Reno?!


You absolutely should have said "howdy"!! None of the names you mention are anything special, just regular knuckleheads who love building and flying our RVs just like you.

GW was great for me too: I got to fly with the SoCal Squadron and also got to meet several RV-3 builders who I've been e-mailing but never met. (there's not too many of us RV-3 guys, we need to stick together!)

My daughter used to fly with me quite a bit too, fond memories indeed. They grow up and have busy lives all too soon...

Be sure and say hi next time!
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Be sure and say hi next time!

I will do that Randy! The one time I did walk by close enough to say Hi, you were busy talking with some guys. Same with Dan. Rosie was out on the line of RV's but never made it over to where we were sitting.

One of these days I am going to make it to the training clinic and join your group. The only thing stopping me right now, is my Throttle Cable. Just no time or Benjamin's in the budget to change it. Also, my partner(builder) isn't too excited about changing from a Vernier type. Someday.:eek:
I will do that Randy! The one time I did walk by close enough to say Hi, you were busy talking with some guys. Same with Dan. Rosie was out on the line of RV's but never made it over to where we were sitting.

One of these days I am going to make it to the training clinic and join your group. The only thing stopping me right now, is my Throttle Cable. Just no time or Benjamin's in the budget to change it. Also, my partner(builder) isn't too excited about changing from a Vernier type. Someday.:eek:
Wow, thank you for the kind words Jason as I'm honored to be considered a Rock Star (but surely don't think myself one!) I'm just the BIGGEST fan Van's Aircraft could ever have :D Next time, GET our attention as there is always time to meet other RVers!!!!

Tuppergal and I had a SUPER time (both days) at the show and are proud to say we watched the hobbs roll over 2800 hours just prior to arriving on Saturday. Flying with Randy Lervold, Joe Blank and the SoCAL RVs was another weekend highlight!

If your partner 'caves-in' on the vernier throttle cable, and you'd like to attend a clinic, please let me know and I will GIVE you a new black-knob RV-6 cable that I have extra here in the hangar, no kidding!

You (and any other RVers) be sure to stop into L00 anytime you are in the vicinity of the Rosamond Skypark near Edwards AFB as we very-much enjoy fly-in visitors :) Rosie
There were several VAF hats. I wore mine while walking around. I was told that I looked like Willy Nelson in the hat. Yes I need a hair cut.

Departed as a three ship on Saturday. It was said that I look like a Star Wars Ewok in this photo.

Our flight arrived as a 10-ship for the first pass.

We then broke up show center into a low "Sharpie" 4-ship maneuvering routine and a "Condor" 6-ship high flying an oval track.

Here is a photo of two of the passes of the 6-ship HIGH formation.

"Eagle Eye" took photos and I have seen some of them. There are better shots than these.

Great job Sharpie! Thanks for putting the gig together.

Craig, how are we gonna keep you motivated to move your product if we corrupt you with the thrill that is. . . RV?;)

Seriously though. . .

Are you coming to Porterville on the 21st? If so, look for me and I'll shoot you around the patch. Our hangar is on the Northwest part of the airport and it is next to "High Roller" which will probably have it's nose out of the hangar too.

I was going to come down for the Porterville airshow, but our Open House / Fly-In is the next day and I need to be here to get everything setup. I'll have to take a raincheck?
Wow, thank you for the kind words Jason as I'm honored to be considered a Rock Star (but surely don't think myself one!) I'm just the BIGGEST fan Van's Aircraft could ever have :D Next time, GET our attention as there is always time to meet other RVers!!!!

Tuppergal and I had a SUPER time (both days) at the show and are proud to say we watched the hobbs roll over 2800 hours just prior to arriving on Saturday. Flying with Randy Lervold, Joe Blank and the SoCAL RVs was another weekend highlight!

If your partner 'caves-in' on the vernier throttle cable, and you'd like to attend a clinic, please let me know and I will GIVE you a new black-knob RV-6 cable that I have extra here in the hangar, no kidding!

You (and any other RVers) be sure to stop into L00 anytime you are in the vicinity of the Rosamond Skypark near Edwards AFB as we very-much enjoy fly-in visitors :) Rosie

Thanks for the comments Rosie. . . I think I'll take you up on that throttle. I sincerely appreciate the offer. . . When is the next Clinic?