
Hi everyone!

It's been a little bit since my last post, but if you didn't catch it, check it out here:


I stared school earlier this week, and dad decided that the perfect way to avoid calculus would be to take a little trip to Amery, Wisconsin. I wasn't complaining.....


We are on our way-the flight over there was probably less than 20 minutes!


We love when airports have courtesy cars! There was also a little mini hangar/check in area with a lounge, TV, and wifi.

When we got into town, we stopped for a quick sandwich, and ended up talking a lot about the stock market, college, and how good subway's italian bread is.

Rule #257 of living with Kate: no airport trip is ever complete without ice cream.

Such a beautiful night! Nights like this one make me realize how lucky I am to have a dad who was crazy enough to build an airplane ;)

When I'm awake, my job is plane lookout (and selfie taker, and candy eater). Dad spots where the planes are on some GPS gadget he has and then tells me which direction they should be, then I find them!

It was a quick trip and a lot of it was consumed with calculus and physics homework, so there's not a whole lot to report on but thank you for following along! Posts from tailgates at Iowa State coming soon :)
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Wondering what your major is? Bound to be journalism! You have a way with writing and a great sense of humor!
Not a journalist

If she's studying Calculus and Physics, she's not a Journalism major. I'm going with Engineeering, maybe Aeronautical Engineering?

Wondering what your major is? Bound to be journalism! You have a way with writing and a great sense of humor!

Thank you!! I love writing! But most of my classes this year and math and science based, so I don't get to do a whole lot of it, unfortunately. So I supplement by writing things like this for you all to read :) I'm still a senior in high school, so I haven't finalized my major yet but it will probably be Food Science or Industrial Engineering.
If she's studying Calculus and Physics, she's not a Journalism major. I'm going with Engineeering, maybe Aeronautical Engineering?


You would be correct, it will probably be engineering for me (if I can make it throught the classes, that is...). Industrial Engineering or Food Science is the plan!