
Well Known Member
My RV7 have an Ameriking AK-451 and it needs a battery, the previous owner did not comply with the AD and I am certain did not even know about it?s.

I have used the search, read the posts and even thought about putting new D cell batters in the unit. BUT with such a critical piece of equipment I guess have come to the conclusion I need to replace the ELT.

What would the group suggest I replace it with, reasonable price wise.

I put in the ACK unit 2 or 3 years ago for peace of mind. However, with the advent of ADS B out, the "system" will know where you are anyway!
I put in the ACK unit 2 or 3 years ago for peace of mind. However, with the advent of ADS B out, the "system" will know where you are anyway!

Lol... You are assuming the "system" talks to each other. I'm going with the assumption that if search and rescue ever needs to find me, they won't have that ADS-B data available to them.

I went with a new Artex unit... Like the wiring and setup much better than the rest.
This comment is not intended to find fault or cause argument... The ACK product is a decent ELT, however there are some shortcomings that should be highlighted so that those who are making a purchase decision do so with knowledge.

There have been several instances where the ACK E04 has been triggered inadvertently. ACK has added a static filter to the installation kit to help with some of these undesirable activations, particularly in composite aircraft. We've seen several instances where the E04 is also triggered through EMI/RFI picked up from other devices on the aircraft, in particular transponders. The telephone-style interface cable seems to be the major culprit in these undesired activations. One should give consideration, if installing an E04, to using proper twisted shielded (Mil-C-27500) cable to wire the EO4 to its buzzer and remote control panel.

While my experience with the Kannad products has been fantastic, the company has drastically increased the pricing of their replacement battery packs. I haven't yet had an opportunity to talk with them directly on this point but will be taking this concern to them as it is a significant cost driver in the overall ownership costs of the unit.

One ELT that has caught my attention of late is the new ARTEX unit, the 345. I've long been a hater of ARTEX and have made no attempt to hide that strong dislike here in this forum. After spending some time with ARTEX reps I'm starting to believe the company, after having been bought and sold several times, is finally back on track. I've also seen several reasons to believe their product is also back on track after having been off in the weeds for a decade or so.

With respect to ADSB out, keep in mind that while we might believe Big Brother is watching us, the reality is that Big Brother only knows the position updates from ADSB have stopped. That could be because we've landed at a buddy's grass strip, or because we've inadvertently turned our airplane into a lawn dart. The ELT still provides a huge benefit in terms of its ability to sound the alert when something has gone wrong. That's why it's still mandated for installation and why there's no plan on the books to remove that mandate.
My RV7 have an Ameriking AK-451 and it needs a battery, the previous owner did not comply with the AD and I am certain did not even know about it?s.

I have used the search, read the posts and even thought about putting new D cell batters in the unit. BUT with such a critical piece of equipment I guess have come to the conclusion I need to replace the ELT.

What would the group suggest I replace it with, reasonable price wise.


Wait, why does it have to be replaced? Why not just put new D cells in, run the test to ensure it operates, and put it back in?

Not saying you *can't* buy a newer or better ELT, but I don't believe you *have* to...just IMHO.
Artex 345 manual ?requirements?

While the initial cost looks good,.... I?m not a fan of the DETAILED requirements for annual check,.... including mention of dummy loads, frequency check,.. use of,.... etc.

Meanwhile, the Kannad units have had battery prices raised considerably,...and now show replacement by Kannad approved maint facility. (At least that is how I read the latest document revisions they issued)

Rather frustrating all in all
See this thread for explanation -

This falls under the difference between "could" and "should". Your particular preference is, of course, yours.

That's what I said. The OP said "I guess have come to the conclusion I need to replace the ELT." I was just asking, albeit obliquely, I guess, if he thought that he was required to because of the batteries/AD (I believe the answer to that would be "no").
ARTEX ELT1000 Ace kit

If you feel you must go ahead and upgrade from the Ameriking, I recommend this one:

You SPECIFICALLY want the Artex ELT 1000 Ace kit, part number 8206. That kit has the panel controller that fits into the panel hole originally cut for the Ameriking panel remote. No new panel hole required. Uses existing phone cord and cables. Yes, you must swap out the antenna, but the antenna cable is useable.
As you are seeing, there are many options.

One must figure out what is the best value for their aircraft. I do not plan to replace mine till the one I have FAILS 91.207(d) or the FAA creates a new requirement for the TSO unit. I am of the opinion that mine could fail at any time and have the reserve dollars available for the new unit. It could get replaced at the next "condition inspection" just because the old one is old.

I look at:

1. Acquisition cost.
2. Installation work required.
3. Replacement battery cost.

All three get evaluated for me and my aircraft and the lowest acquisition cost may or may not be the deciding factor based on the other quiteria in the selection process.

I just replaced my Ameriking 121.5 to the ACK 406. It was the least expensive and so far works fine. I want the added safety of being tracked by satellites.
With respect to ADSB out, keep in mind that while we might believe Big Brother is watching us, the reality is that Big Brother only knows the position updates from ADSB have stopped. That could be because we've landed at a buddy's grass strip, or because we've inadvertently turned our airplane into a lawn dart. The ELT still provides a huge benefit in terms of its ability to sound the alert when something has gone wrong. That's why it's still mandated for installation and why there's no plan on the books to remove that mandate.
Then the mandate is not thinking far enough ahead. With ADS-B in and out in our aircraft, all that would be necessary is the addition of a G-switch and you'd have the alerting capability that is currently missing.
Rob - please don't hold your breath waiting for me to argue with you! LoL

In "reality check mode" one has to consider that not all aircraft will have ADSB OUT, that there are still fairly large parts of CONUS where ADSB reception is spotty, and that the G-switch you propose would bring us back to one of the less reliable elements of the ELT's that folks like so dearly to malign.

There isn't a perfect solution for all cases. Where I believe we are truly falling down in both the US and Canada is in not providing any credit for alternative means of compliance like Spot and Spidertracks etc. Then again, no regulatory agency will give credit for a device/service that they didn't specify themselves. That makes the ELT the easy way out for the FAA and Transport Canada. Make a law referring to equipment covered by a specific TSO and you're done. Yes, "easy" does not equate to "best" or even "good" sometimes.
Then the mandate is not thinking far enough ahead. With ADS-B in and out in our aircraft, all that would be necessary is the addition of a G-switch and you'd have the alerting capability that is currently missing.

There is going to be a good part of the U.S., particularly western U.S., where ATC will not be getting your ADS-B OUT signal below a certain altitude. The only guys getting it will be those around you with ADS-B-IN. This may work for traffic awareness but not so much for search and rescue purposes.

The 406 ELTs, when combined with a GPS source, will transmit the last know GPS position to satellites when activated. Not too shabby to me.