
Well Known Member
Hi Folks,
after about 8 years, and about that many removals, the little 1/2" metal strap that retains the ELT broke at the sharp bottom bend ( circled). This was a very sharp angle, in some quite soft stock....
Before you think I'm a total newb, you HAVE to bend this out of the way to lift the ELT clear of the base retainer tabs.
As you can see, I made a 1" wide replacement strap from 5052 I had around, with the grain running the long way, and re-used the latch, although there's likely a better way. Yup, got to drive 4 rivets even!


now the worse news....AK is still using this strap on their new $700 and up 406 ELT's!
I have not been impressed by any the AmeriKing ELTs. I have found several DOA during annual inspections, most of these were TSO C-91a 121.5 Mhz units, but I also found one of thier new 406 Mhz units failed. In the repair station I work in we inspect hundreds of ELTs a year, and I used to be a big Artex fan since they used to be very reliable, but the last few years we have seen an increase in failure rates of the newer units. Currently the units I prefer are the Kannad ELTs. I have never seen a Kannad fail yet and they are built better than anything else I have worked on. My only complaint with the Kannad units are the Velcro mounting strap. There is nothing wrong with a velcro strap IF it is tensioned correctly during installation, but I have seen multiple Kannad units installed in aircraft that were loose in the tray due to the strap not being pulled really tight. I installed a Kannad Integra in my Rans a few months ago just before I sold it. I will most likely install one of these in my -14A when the time comes.
we need good pireps on the new 406 packages

Mike, if you happen to see this....

I am always shopping for a new ELT....good to see your real-world recommendations.
I'd like to know why some seem to use the old antennae, and some require new, or even 2 separate ( $500! :eek:)
..and then there's the $200 battery packs, some of which require the unit being shipped to the manufacturer.
..and what are the limits of the self-test?
Do some still require being activated in a test cell ...annually?
Some older 406 units do use two antennas, one for 406.25 and one for 121.5/243.00. Most all of the newer GA units use a single output coax and single dual band antenna that transmits 406 and 121.5 simultaneously. Some of the units that are geared towards jets and high speed aircraft require antennas that cost more than most new GA 406 ELTs cost, they also use battery packs that cost $300-$500.

There are no requirements to test an ELT in a "test cell" but if you are a Canadian registered operator you have to comply with the outdated TC inspection requirements of CAR part V Standard 571(c). TC still requires that you measure output signal strength, output frequency and check battery current draw. These checks made sense for 121.5 MHz units, but all TSO C-126 ELTs have internal monitoring for output frequency, output strength, battery current draw and voltage as well as many other parameters. When you perform the built in test or activate a TSO C-126 ELT then return it to the standby mode you will receive a series of flashes on the fault indicator light that will either indicate normal operation or specific faults depending on the number of flashes. TC also requires you guys to have the ELT check done by a certified repair station with a radio license and they even have to have each model of ELT that they work on listed on their capability list. This requirement will drive up the cost of ELT checks for Canadian operators. If I were you I would talk to your avionics shop and see which units they have the capability to test and what they reccomend before making a decision.
Hi Folks,
after about 8 years, and about that many removals, the little 1/2" metal strap that retains the ELT broke at the sharp bottom bend ( circled). This was a very sharp angle, in some quite soft stock....

Same happened to me last year during condition inspection. I made two straps from old cargo straps (reuse of ones I used to pull down the fuselage skins during build) that I can tighten down snugly with a wrench. My ELT is located on the side wall in the baggage area behind the passenger seat. Good thing with fabric straps is when working inside fuselage I can take the ELT out and the straps are removed and not have the metal straps in the way.
great info....thanks Mike!

Some older 406 units do use two antennas, one for 406.25 and one for 121.5/243.00. ................ TC also requires you guys to have the ELT check done by a certified repair station with a radio license and they even have to have each model of ELT that they work on listed on their capability list. This requirement will drive up the cost of ELT checks for Canadian operators. If I were you I would talk to your avionics shop and see which units they have the capability to test and what they reccomend before making a decision.

I did talk to one of the mobile guys here, and he had 'favourite' ELT's because he could actually service them...I'll have to see what that list covers to ensure he can do the performance checks.
(....and I can guarantee that almost NOBODY is doing this meaningless annual money flush!)
ummmmm, egggggg on face!

Time to eat a little crow.....

the local avionics guys did the checks, and found my AK 121.5 ELT was nearly dead, and U/S.
I'm SOOOOOOOO glad I spent all that time making a new bracket for this P.O.S.

it put out .09 watts, just enough so that it fooled me when I did the manual type 'shake' test, and activated by the remote switch!

So here's another nail in the AK coffin; an ELT that's just sat in the dry mild interior of a plane for 8 or so years, and 110 hours of flight, is toast!

any canucks out there able to quote the CAR that says we must have an ELT? ...even now, with the 406 requirement being in limbo?

I'm sure we do, just wonder if I should spend $1000 on a new 406, or replace this with a $150 old 121, and buy a portable PLB to backup my SPOT.