
Well Known Member
i am considering a rv project,maybe 75% done. builder passed on.left no build records or photos or receipts. can this project be completed and get an amateur built experimental airworthiness certificate? or is it for always just a project,a collection of aircraft parts? (no way to prove amateur built) thanks in advance for any replys.
re: 51%?

Who knows what 51% really is?;) It's not spelled out specifically anywhere, as far as I can see. 51% of the work for me may not be that much work for you.:)
51% is a relative number.

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM
As long as he was an amateur, then 51% of it is amateur built. You shouldn't have any trouble getting an airworthiness certificate. The repairmans certificate might be a challenge, however.

PJ Seipel

The only way an aircraft can be certificated as an experimental, amateur-built aircraft is if the owner/builders can prove that they built (at least) 51 percent of the aircraft. That is the basic qualifier for an amateur-built aircraft. Any given experimental amateur-built aircraft may go through several different builders through its building process - but the total cumulative build must be 51% owner(s)/builder(s).
talk to a dar

i asked mel about this once in a private message on this site and it seems this may not necessarily be an orphan. if you can talk to family members etc. who witnessed the former builder building and are willing to give sworn statements to that effect it may be useful. they are after all trying to sell it so you have some leverage. then again this may be wishful thinking on my part but it would be wise to talk to your dar about it specifically before you spent money on it.
best of luck
Who knows what 51% really is?;) It's not spelled out specifically anywhere, as far as I can see. 51% of the work for me may not be that much work for you.:)
51% is a relative number.

The FAA has form AC 8000-38 that is used as a checklist to determine compliance for the major portion (51%) rule. In the FAA's eyes this is what spells out that relative #. The FAA is at this moment in the process of rewriting AC8000-38 so it is likely that things will change.

As for certifying this project as amateur built...I agree with other posts...get every thing you can to help prove no work was done professionally. Best situation would be to develop a relationship with a DAR and have them feel assured ahead of time that all previous work was not done for hire.
Who knows what 51% really is?;) It's not spelled out specifically anywhere, as far as I can see. 51% of the work for me may not be that much work for you.:)
51% is a relative number.

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM

This is a joke, right?