
Well Known Member
Almost made it to 50 hours this time for oil change/air filter/general look-see under the cowl service. It's more fun for everyone when they are challenged and involved, this supervisor was busy!



Almost made it to 50 hours this time for oil change/air filter/general look-see under the cowl service. It's more fun for everyone when they are challenged and involved, this supervisor was busy!




Do they want to learn how to service a Piaggio and a Citation Sovreign? :D
Healthy and Helpful


Great to see everyone is happy and healthy! I see bug removal, do they clean airplane bellies, too?!?
Eric, they are out of school for the summer!

Pete, yes on the happy and healthy and enjoying it! Yes on belly cleaning sort of.....once it's a little warmer they'll wash the top side while I'm getting sprayed with water on the creeper working on the belly....
Maintenance Crew

Great to see your crew in action! Good idea to cover your plexi when the sprayer tech is busy, I'm going to adopt that procedure with my crew as well :p
Man that does the heart


So good to see them join in the fun of aviation. I bet you did have your hands full on the supervision end though.
