
Well Known Member
In case you haven't been following Kyle Franklin and Amanda Younkin's progress since their crash I thought I'd post Kyle's latest update. Not too much else to say other than it'll be another tough time for the Younkin family.


Kyle's Post Below:_________________________________________

Amanda had a really hard day. During dressing change this morning she started bleeding really bad and they had a hard time stoping it. Her body has gotten to the point that if you touch her or even look at her wrong she starts bleeding and her blood is not coagulating. Her wounds today looked more infected then the last three days and the antibiotics don't seem to be doing much. Her kidneys have almost completely shut down, her liver is starting to fail and she looks like she was still in a lot of pain. The doctors believe she wouldn't make it another two weeks in time for the EpiCels much less the procedure and I have to agree after seeing her wounds. So, I made the hardest decision of my life today and put her on Comfort Care. They have taken her off most everything with the exception of the ventilator, sedation meds and pain meds. They placed her in a more comfortable position and are doing everything to make her as comfortable as possible.

I believe at this point this is what she would want me to do. I also believe if she did pull through at this point she would kill me for it, a month ago I would have said otherwise. This is a decision I never in my life would have thought I would have to make nor ever wanted too. But, I don't want her to go through another four weeks of crud when we know it will do no good. We do not have a time table on things, most likely a day or two. I will continue to keep you all updated.

Know that she is not alone her mom, brother and his wife, my mother, myself and all of you in spirit are here with her. I feel Amanda will be very happy to see her dad, my dad and of corse Jackson again. But the hardest thing is she's leaving us all behind, till another day.

Amanda my love, I love you with all my heart, soul and everything I am. Our life together here was supposed to be seventy years not seven, but I look forward to seeing you in my dreams every night my love.

Thank you all for your love, support and help through all this.

Goodnight and God bless,
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I read this this morning too. I've been following her status since the accident and she's sure been through a lot. Very very sad.

I was fortunate enough to see their show at Hillsboro last summer and it was honestly one of the best I've seen.

Blue Skies Amanda!


I've also been following this, what a sad, sad deal...I cant even imagine having to make that decision.
Wow, I just teared up sitting at my desk at work. I can't fathom having to make that desicion.
I have followed it to

I have followed it as well. I watched their fathers fly when I was young - a huge inspiration for me.

I couldn't image how painful this has all been for all of them .

The only solace being Amanda won't have to suffer any more.
Thanks for the update


I'm sitting here dripping tears on the keyboard. Although extremely sad and a very tough decision, it is clear she has given you much strength in the face of this tragedy.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
This is very difficult.

I suspect there are many tears flowing.

Our prayers are with you, Kyle and Amanda.

Blue skies.
Typing through teared up eyes. I've never met you Kyle, but my heart is hurting for you. So, so sad.
Amanda & Kyle

Heartbreaking......................lots and lots of people you've never met thinking about you and pulling for you.
5-27-11- The last update.

It is with a broken heart that I tell you that my beautiful girl Amanda passed away at 10:10 central time this evening. Beside her was her adoring husband Kyle, her mother Jeanie, her brother Matt, her sister-in-law Michelle and her devoted mother-in-law Audean.

Thank you all again for your love,

Goodnight and God bless Amanda,


But those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
-Isaiah 40:31
tears flowing...

My heart is breaking for Kyle and Amanda and their families and friends. I watched their fathers with awe and my heart broke when they died, and broke again when I heard of Kyle and Amanda's accident. We've been praying for them daily.

Rest in peace and know you brought joy to millions.
Fly Over

From: Franklin's Flying Circus
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2011 10:28 PM
Subject: Amanda 5-28-11 -Info-

Anyone associated with the Airshow or Warbird community who would like to participate in a mass fly over at Amanda's grave site service is invited to do so. Qualifications are you must hold a S.A.C card or F.A.S.T card or be pre approved by the families. Services are tentatively being planned for Monday June 6, Tuesday June 7 or Wednesday June 8 in Fayetteville, AR . Contact Matt Younkin at 479-283-1288 or email to [email protected] for more info.

Planning things over a holiday weekend is proving very difficult and aggravating. I will not be able to get Amanda home till this Wednesday because the office that does the paper work at BAMC is closed till Tuesday. Talk about adding insult to injury. I will let you all know Amanda's service information once we are able to confirm things.

Goodnight & God bless,

This is a super tough loss...

I followed Kyle's posts on Facebook and Caringbridge from the outset of this accident and hoped against all odds that she would pull through. Such a beautiful, brave, young girl with a heart of gold.
Kyle and Matt and are in our prayers. Amanda's legacy lives on with her father and her father-in-law. My deepest sympathies for your loss.
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This is my first post on this forum, and I am sad beyond words. I witnessed the accident that killed Kyle and Amanda's dads at the Moose Jaw Air Show, with Kyle doing the narration on the PA. It was one of the most profoundly tragic things I have ever experienced, as the reality of what had happened slowly sunk in, 20,000 people suddenly and utterly silent. I remember Kyle and Amanda facing the news media the next day with incredible courage and composure. The recent accident and now Amanda's death brings that day back to me so vividly, and my heart goes out to their families. Godspeed, Amanda.
Team RV had the honor of flying the missing man formation as a tribute to a recently lost colleague and air show performer Amanda Franklin.
This formation was flown at the 2011 Peachtree Dekalb Good Neighbor Day Air Show in Atlanta, GA Saturday June 4th 2011.

Also available on FB.