
Well Known Member
Hello everyone, I am trying to finalize the pinout on my Garmin 430W tray and would really appreciate it if someone with more experience could review the items I crossed out in green to see if there are in fact some that shouldn't be corssed out. I think I have it down but I don't know what I don't know. I also am thinking to myself "dang, there is a lot of open spots in them connectors". I would really appreciate it, even if you could direct me with where to go for more info!

P.S. I read the manual, it doesn't give detailed descriptions for most of this stuff. Or descriptions that a noob like myself can understand sometimes:) Most of it was based off of looking at the drawings.

Also attached is my panel. All Dynon through an ARINC-429. Com is a GTR-200 and audio panel is a GMA-245.

Mega thanks in advance!

4001-1 by Jereme Carne, on Flickr
4001-2 by Jereme Carne, on Flickr

4002 by Jereme Carne, on Flickr

4006 by Jereme Carne, on Flickr

FINAL PANEL by Jereme Carne, on Flickr
I also am thinking to myself "dang, there is a lot of open spots in them connectors".

I recently added a 430W and remember having the exact same thought. I can't help with the particulars of the Dynon interconnections (I've got dual G5), but I remember thinking I surely had done something wrong. I didn't add the numbers up, but having a mechanical CDI would've probably required double (or more) the number of connections!
I always bring out the 232 ports for various uses, the dynon will need one and so will ads-b.
I always bring out the 232 ports for various uses, the dynon will need one and so will ads-b.
+1. When I added adsb out 90% of the labor was getting back into that connector. I wish I had asked Stein to leave a short wire on all the RS232 ports.
As Walt said, you’ll need them for the Dynon, maybe ADSB-out, maybe altitude for your transponder.
I do not under stand your label, ‘RS232 out to ARINC’
Do you want one control for lighting levels on all avionics? If so brimg out the dimmer lines (auto dim works okay, imho).
For IFR, the 430’s annunciations are supposed to be within a certain distance from the AI/EFIS. If you need remote annunciation to meet this, bring out the annunciation lines.

Edit. You know your final panel does not show a 430W?
Edit again. Thanks for the answer (see post below)
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I recently added a 430W and remember having the exact same thought. I can't help with the particulars of the Dynon interconnections (I've got dual G5), but I remember thinking I surely had done something wrong. I didn't add the numbers up, but having a mechanical CDI would've probably required double (or more) the number of connections!

I hear ya there!

I always bring out the 232 ports for various uses, the dynon will need one and so will ads-b.

Good call Walt, I'll bring them out so I don't have to go crawling in the future.

+1. When I added adsb out 90% of the labor was getting back into that connector. I wish I had asked Stein to leave a short wire on all the RS232 ports.
As Walt said, you?ll need them for the Dynon, maybe ADSB-out, maybe altitude for your transponder.
I do not under stand your label, ?RS232 out to ARINC?
Do you want one control for lighting levels on all avionics? If so brimg out the dimmer lines (auto dim works okay, imho).
For IFR, the 430?s annunciations are supposed to be within a certain distance from the AI/EFIS. If you need remote annunciation to meet this, bring out the annunciation lines.

Edit. You know your final panel does not show a 430W?
Edit again. Thanks for the answer (see post below)

Thanks for the post Bob. As far as I can tell the Dynon uses the ARINC 429 as the go between, this includes the serial connection as well. Here is a pic from the Dynon manual.

1 by Jereme Carne, on Flickr

I was planning on just using the auto dimming feature of all the devices but perhaps it might not be a bad idea to bring them lines out for future changes if wanted. Also looks like it is well within the field of view requirements for annunciation. I will double check though. Thanks for the great feedback!

The IFD 440 uses the 430 tray and shares the same pinout. It was designed to be a seamless, slide-in replacement for the 430.

Ya I figured if I posted IFD-440 in the title the thread would have been swept under the rug. lol I am also working on a 430 tray so it's only a half lie :D
Looks good Jereme. I checked my notes and the only difference I noted was on connector P1001/4001 I tied pin 56 to arinc pin 3.

p1001/4001 pin 58 has a 1.21kohm resistor tied to pin 3 on the sv-xpndr-261

Looks good Jereme. I checked my notes and the only difference I noted was on connector P1001/4001 I tied pin 56 to arinc pin 3.

p1001/4001 pin 58 has a 1.21kohm resistor tied to pin 3 on the sv-xpndr-261


Thanks for going through your notes Travis, this is super helpful! Oh okay looks like you used serial 1 out for the arinc and serial 2 to the xpndr. Am I correct in assuming that you are using the certified GPS for ADSB? The only reason I did not hook up the sv-xpndr-261 to p1001/4001 is I'm using the SV-GPS-2020 for ADSB compliance and the manual says that pin 3 on the xpndr is not used in this case. Although I ran the wire anyways and wonder if it would hurt anything to hook it up or if there would be any advantage in doing so? May be a question for the Dynon guys.
Apparently I wired it that way because I only installed the GPS250. Not sure if it makes any difference since you have the 2020

I took the RS232 wires to an accessible D connector. Makes additions and changes easier. Mount it where you can get to it with the EFIS out of the panel or other accessible place. I also took the outputs to a couple of pins as they can be paralleled to other devices.
Apparently I wired it that way because I only installed the GPS250. Not sure if it makes any difference since you have the 2020


Thanks Travis. I don't think it's needed but now I'm curious on the hypothetical. I'll see what Dynon says.

I took the RS232 wires to an accessible D connector. Makes additions and changes easier. Mount it where you can get to it with the EFIS out of the panel or other accessible place. I also took the outputs to a couple of pins as they can be paralleled to other devices.

Stellar idea! I'm definitely going to steel this idea. I was going to run them so I could get to em behind the EFIS easily but didn't think about putting them in a connector. Thanks for the great idea.