
Well Known Member
The 20+ year old Garmin 250XL gave up the ghost the other day in my RV6a. I have a (in perfect condition) Garmin 430 Waas that I have been holding on to as a com for another project aircraft.

That prompted another "decision making rabbit hole" that ended up with the purchase of a GNC 355 for the RV (talk about price drift). Anyway, a friend asked me, why don't you sell the 430 (no need for the VOR/ILS) and just buy another 355 tray (and GPS antenna) for the project aircraft and just swap the radios... he argued "you can't fly both aircraft at the same time"

Well, why don't I? Bad idea?
Pros are obvious ...$$$$$$
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Settings all the same?

I have a 430 not a 355 but each time I R/R the 430 I worry about bending pins like one of the previous owners of my RV did, they aren't made for frequent R/R.
Will all the other parts of the plane be the same i.e. Autopilot, adsb, etc where you would have to go into settings each time to update between planes, I could see where the hassle factor would reduce the perceived savings rather quickly
Swapping radios

I did exactly this kind of swap for years between my RV-8 and Baron with a Garmin 430. Fortunately the 430 communicated with the autopilot, etc without the need to change any settings.

My planes now have Garmin 750 and Garmin 175. It is my understanding the the racks for these have a chip of some sort that is unique to each unit thereby preventing it from being swapped. So, if the rack does not recognize the unit, it will not function properly.
The pin issue is certainly something to consider. Definitely a hassle. I guess it would depend on how much swapping I end up doing.
If the new Garmin stuff has some kind to “tray chip” to only allow the use of one radio that would be a deal killer right there.
Anyone know for sure if that is the case?
The GNC355 might require a configuration module that would have to be in both planes. May be a problem or, at the least, a pain.

Not sure that one unit will work with two different modules.

I’m leaning toward doing it! I will, more than likely, end up selling one aircraft. If I sell one with the 355 I’ll just buy another, or if I don’t I will only need one!

[email protected]
As previously mentioned, the configuration module is mounted in the tray, not the unit. I suggest you ask Garmin about how hard it would be to get a second configuration module for a second tray.

I suspect the answer will not be what you want.

As previously mentioned, the configuration module is mounted in the tray, not the unit. I suggest you ask Garmin about how hard it would be to get a second configuration module for a second tray.

I suspect the answer will not be what you want.


You may not even be able to purchase the extra rack/connectors/config module.
A configuration module ? With Garmin why am I not surprised!
Well it sounds like I got my answer.

A configuration module ? With Garmin why am I not surprised!
Well it sounds like I got my answer.


I wouldn't give up just yet. Call the G3X support and ask the question. I'm sure you can buy spares. there's always the "I lost my rack and wiring kit" path to take.
The configuration module / chip can be purchased as a separate item. Stein can order one for you, or any Garmin dealer. My personal preference would be to go to Stein. When I purchased one several years ago, the cost was about $120.00.

The benefit for the rack held configuration module is that the module contains all of the unit configuration information unique to the installed aircraft. If the unit needs to be replaced, at least all of the configuration information stays with the rack and can be accessed by the new, replaced unit. At least that is how it is suppos d to work.
Config module

The config module stores the radio settings and configuration for that radio info for the aircraft the radio rack, and config module is installed.

This allows you to swap radios and not have to reprogram the radio for the plane each time.

Now comes the answer to your question. “Yes” you can swap a single GNC355 into two airplanes. After you install the radio in one plane, your configuration for that plane is saved for that airplane in the config module in that radio rack.

Now, install the new rack, with its own config module in a second plane, and you will need to reprogram the radio settings and config for the second plane. Your setting maybe the same, which won’t be a problem.

Now, if the settings a slightly different, each time you insert the radio into a plane, it will reconfigurations the radio for that plane. Easy peasy.

Just be careful as these connectors pins if my memory is correct, are the smaller HD type, and yes you can bend them while reinserting the unit into the rack.
