
Well Known Member
I've been reading on a couple of different sites about the Alvord Desert in Southern Oregon.

The Alvord Desert playa, which can be either wet or dry depending on the time of year, is one of the largest playas in Oregon?six miles wide and 11 miles long. Tens of thousands of years ago, a lake almost 200 feet deep covered the Alvord Desert and extended southward into Nevada. The old shoreline forms terraces along the edge of the valley, and deep under the desert floor are the same lava flows that make up the top of Steens Mountain

I did a search on VAF for "Alvord" and only got four hits on the location.

Has anyone ever flown in here? I was thinking about flying in/camping there sometime this summer. Any suggestions?

I can only relay this to you second-hand, but my friend Kevin Lane told me about flying in there with his RV-6A. Do you know him? He's here in the Portland area. You might call him and ask him about his experiences.

I've not landed there, but have flown over the Alvord a couple times and around that area. Big flat spot from the air. Like a lot of playas, one has to carefully select a landing spot because of 1) soft places (read: mud at certain times of year) and 2) a lot of playas have small ephemeral streams running into and part way across them. Although the relief on these is generally small, they can be large enough to cause landing issues with small tires (and even some big tires). Oh, and if you get stuck there for whatever reason, its a long walk out. With those caveats, I think it would be great fun to fly in there and land.

Scott, backcountry pilot, http://www.backcountrypilot.org, has several posts regarding Alvord Desert. If you try it, make sure you have someone back you up in something with fat tires.

I don't remember who posted where, but it supposedly can be VERY serene out there at night. :)
I haven't flown over it, but I've driven on it. I'd recommend sticking with landings on obvious tire tracks. The surface can look great, the soft stuff under the crust can be pretty grim.

That said, the Alvord has some fantastic hot springs, and I'd guess it would be entirely practical to land at some of them.
I know some guys that have landed there, i could ask them about it at the next EAA meeting if i make it there. I don't think it would be safe to land there for several months due to the rain we've been getting, even though that is the desert area. (i'm in bend on the edge of the rain shadow- 2 miles west ponderosa, 2 miles east sagebrush and juniper).
Been there, done that....

Highly recomended. But save it for July-October timeframe as the lakebed is probably too soft or awash right now. I typically try to plan it for late summer when there is high pressure dominating the area. Otherwise you risk some honking winds there. Fly a 3 or 4 leg pattern over the lakebed to estimate winds from your GPS groundspeed, prior to picking a landing direction.

We usually land near the west side just south of where the stream outflows on to the lakebed. There are hot springs/tubs there that can be used if you are game. Camp right there on the playa...

I have a Google Earth KML file but I can't figure out how to attach it...:rolleyes:
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I have been there several times and can highly recommend it.

See post 144 of the "awesome pics on the ground" thread:

I personally wouldn't go this time of year due to chance of rain which I'm sure would ruin your day. In the summer it is great, plan to go back this year and do some camping. PM or email me if you want to discuss or any other info.

Mike, thanks for the PNW Flying link. That's where I originally got the idea, but I wanted to get an opinion from the "RV Point of View".

Everything I've read about the Alvord desert says that the prime time to fly in is July through Sept, when the playa has dried out, the summer heat has settled in, and the weather is clear. So I'm beginning to look at it now - planning for a trip this summer.

I've read that the Alvord desert is similar to the playa at Burning Man, without the crowds and the temporary tent city. It seems like a great place to just get a few planes together for a fly-out camping trip.
Back over to Alvord....

Headed back over to the Alvord Desert tonight for camping and a night of star gazing with another 4 RV's. Should be a great night!
PM me if you are interested in meeting us...


We have been there a couple of times (in a 172) and it is a great place to camp. Usually we go closer to the Steen Mountains. There is an old house that is abandoned near there and also hot springs with a cement tub a short walk from there.

Too bad this year you missed the perseid meteor shower which is spectacular there.

Something I did learn was to tie down closer to the Steen Mountains because other places out there get really really windy. Also bring shade, water and something to do last time we went we brought some model rockets but that only killed a grand total of 1 hour.

Certainly worth the trip.
Here are a couple of shots from this weekend. 5 RV's made it over and stayed the night. There was quite a bit of smoke from fires flying there and back but the desert was nice and clear. Good times!


Ken Kreuger passes the summit of Mt Jefferson:


Self Portrait:




Wendell Foltz RV-8 - Desert Sunrise:




Steens Mountains/Keiger Gorge:


Dry Lakebed:


Pics by: Dan Miller, Wendell Foltz, Joe Blank
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Man, that looks like a cool weekend Joe - can't wait to get out there to enjoy places like that!

Stargazing has been mentioned a couple times, anybody take a telescope along???

If so, what was it?
Stargazing has been mentioned a couple times, anybody take a telescope along???

If so, what was it?

Binoculars, but no telescopes on this trip...:( But if a guy, say, had an RV-10 and a telescope, then that would be a good thing... :rolleyes:
Gave away my two larger scopes, but still have the ETX 125-----might have to take out the rear seat to fit the case inside.

Doable for sure.
I flew out to the Alvord Desert finally! Seven aircraft, including four RVs met up on the desert. This is definitely a place to share with friends!

Great pictures Scott! I really want to fly down there one of these days.
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Photo art

I love the long exposures. I'm assuming you did some light painting on the planes. Care to share some specifics. Exposure lengths, methods? Looks like you had a great time.
What telescope?

Looks like a Meade LX200???

What did you use for the imaging?
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I will meet you there Vlad.
I am from Oregon originally. Hunted Steens Mtn for some of the largest mule deer in the state. Horseback hunting is the norm in this rugged area.
Would enjoy landing at Alvord.
Pat Garboden
Katy, TX
The telescope we used belongs to Erik (the Beachcraft Bonanza). It's a 8" Maksutov-Cassegrain. Erik is also responsible for many of the spectacular photos taken while we were on the desert. He says "these were all single exposures, no photoshop. Just a simple 20 second exposure on a tripod with a 35mm lens. During some I did swipe the planes with my headlamp for a pop."

I flew out to the Alvord Desert finally! Seven aircraft, including four RVs met up on the desert. This is definitely a place to share with friends!

When I ran in to Joe at Copalis State a couple weeks ago, he mentioned you guys had a trip planned to Alvord. My wife was on the fence so I didn't push it, but seeing these amazing pictures, she is definitely game now. We drove out there many years ago (even discovered a flat tire in the middle of the dry lake), but flying is the way to go. Thanks for sharing!
I've flown there several times. be sure to bring hammer-in style tie downs. there are dust devils possible. easy and safe to perform low level flying in the area since it's all basically a runway. I tried taking off once using minimal power. after maybe [how can you tell out there?] rolling for several miles I finally reaching takeoff speed and then remember flying just inches off the ground. another freaky thing is how you can walk away from your plane on a hot day and quickly the heat waves will make it disappear. just follow your footprints, "I know I left a plane out here somewhere"
flying over the steen mtns is a thrill as well. on a windy day it can kick your butt.

Any 2015 plans for the Desert?

Scott Stewart posted this on Flights above the PNW facebook page.....

Date: August 14th

One of the many highlights for the Alvord Desert Fly Out is watching the stars, and in particular, the Perceid Meteor Showers. The meteor showers peak during the week of Aug 9 - 14, 2015, and there will be a new moon on Aug 14, which should make for some good star gazing conditions.

Daytime activities may include kite-boarding, Frisbee, engine out practice landings (with 10 miles of lake bed to aim for), and lots of hydrating opportunities. The Alvord Hot Springs are nearby for soaking, and the company is always entertaining.

So put it on your calendar NOW. Reserve the plane. Start working on your packing list. It's going to be a great time! Last year we had seven planes fly out to the desert. Temperatures were mild during the day (in the low 80s) and cool in the evening (down to about 45 degrees)
A few of us (Stephan Christopher, his wife and my wife) are heading to Alvord Desert on Tuesday night 8/11. This is the peak night for the Perseid Meteor shower. We are camping out and leaving Wednesday. The weather is forecast to be awesome. Come join us!

Let me know if anyone is interested. We can coordinate the coordinates :0!

Tony @ tphillips777@gmail or 262-391-7niner73
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Here we go. NOW or NEVER! WX permitting we plan to arrive at Alvord Desert Saturday morning. I will have a meat servo to do all the slave labor piloting my RV from the right seat. If anybody is still there we stop to say hi. If it's deserted we stop for pictures and will be heading eastbound shortly. I need to cross this place off my bucket list it's been there for too long :D
Alvord Desert

Have to work this weekend but I stopped by and landed for a couple photos yesterday. Good landing conditions. I will definitely be heading back to spend the night sometime. Have a fun time.




As it happens we are planning to overfly Alvord Friday on our way to the Bay Area, then return Sunday night or Monday. We may decide to drop in to check it out, maybe even spend the night on Sunday night or Monday. I would like to know if there is any intel available on where the best place to land, camp, etc. is. If there are planes present that would help but if nobody is there it would be nice to know where to look - other than looking for tracks in the dirt. Also, what CTAF for the area? 122.9 I assume?
Bryan, i think i will try to visit as well. Planned to be in N Lake Tahoe anyway. Prob land there Friday afternoon/evening. I joined the FB page, and they say to look towards the NE part of the lake bed. There are currently 11 going and 25 maybes, so i expect something other than jack rabbits out there. ;)
Hey Tony looks like a good spot. I guess we are going to miss you guys at Triple Tree this year?
You could probably park and camp almost anywhere around the playa. I have not been there in a couple years, but the time I was there we camped near the hot spring so we could walk and take a soak. That would be the north western side. The hot spring was "commercialized", sort of, with a fence and mobile home taking fee's to use it. I am not sure if that is still the case. The fence and mobile home took away from the remote feel and spectacular view while soaking, so I am not sure the appeal to camp near that part of the playa is still there.
The creek, spring, whatever it is that feeds the playa in winter is on the north side. Avoid anything that does not look "powdery white".
Last time I was there, in a car, a van sped past us and as they approached the hot spring, they sunk past both axles. They where seriously stuck....and a long way from rescue.
Also, be prepared to clean, vacuum, wash, etc.... the dust out of your machine for months. That stuff goes everywhere..... Seems harmless enough though....
Watch out for Jae...

You all might just turn this into a small "Oregon Burning Man". :D
I would join you, but my Daughter insists I give her away this weekend! Still get to fly there though.
Heehee. Yeah, Burning Man is in just a couple weeks due south of there. I want to go but seems like the going rate is $800 to $900 per ticket now. Not sure i want to go quite that badly.

Alvord is FREE which i like. Also, the lake bed conditions look REALLY good in the photos posted. Nice firm and crusty.

The problem at Burning Man, is that there are so many people, that they turn the dry firm and crusty into really fine soft dust that flies everywhere. You can get mounds of soft dust and stop anything in its tracks.