Well Known Member
Where's a good place to find info on prepping aluminum for paint. Such as Emeron, or enamels. To prime or not to prime? Acid wash good enough? I'm about ready for paint on my RV-8. Would really like for it to stay stuck!
I have painted several aircraft using Imron and PPG Concept with good results (and a trophy or two). Based on advice from several experts, I have just followed the manufacture's recommendations in each case. You can also get a lot of info from the painting forum on this site.

The usual directions are to clean, etch, surface conversion (alodyne), prime (specific recommendations here), and topcoat. Both Imron and Concept offer exceptional service life (as do several other polyutherthane systems such as JetGlow, Polyfiber, etc).

In the specific case for Imron, etch using Dupont 225S, surface convert using 226S and follow with Colar two part primer. These each have easy to follow instructions. And note that often, intermediate cleaning steps are taken and that most of the materials are very toxic and require care in use.

Good luck,
Deene Ogden
EAA Tech Counselor, Flight Advisor
Use the search function of this forum.

There has been more info posted on this topic than almost any other.

You might also wish to check out the "Primer" section and set it to display all posts. Scroll to the bottom and you will see how to do it.

Good luck with your project and welcome to the board!
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Also watch for re-coat times in the instructions...

Often color (or a second coat) needs to be applied over the primer (or the first coat) within a certain window of time.
If you don't meet this window, the primer needs a complete surface sanding... a lot more work.

Not following these times will cause adhesion problems...

As an example, this Imron data sheet says sanding is needed before a recoat after 24 hrs.


gil in Tucson