
Legacy Member
No, not another mass RV formation demo, although that would be cool!

The EAA's B-17 Aluminum Overcast is coming to Concord, North Carolina (JQF) October 5th through the 7th. This airport is conviently located off of I-85 on the Northeaster edge of Charlotte's Class Brovo airspace.

This is a chance to tour or fly in a B-17. Heck, it is a chance to just see one (again, for many of you).

Here is the full poster
Aluminum Overcast jacket

If you take the flight, you have a the opportunity to purchase a great flight jacket with patches and an embroidered picture of the bomber on the back. I bit hard, took the flight, and bought the jacket. Well worth it, in my opinion, to keep this great bird flying...!
Louise and I got to tour the "Overcast" when it was in Warrenton last week, and it was well worth the visit! I have had a chance to fly in a different B-17 before, so it wasn't quite so new to me, but is was fun to tour this beautifully restored version. And both Louise and I were impressed that Garmin seems to have invented time travel and actually sent 430's back to the 40's to install in the panel...:)

Well worth the money to take an inside tour if it comes to your neighborhood!

Ironflight said:
And both Louise and I were impressed that Garmin seems to have invented time travel and actually sent 430's back to the 40's to install in the panel...:)

According to one of the pilots who flies the Overcast..."Oh yeah, they had those in WWII, but back then they were black-and-white!"

Pretty funny guy :p
Aluminum Overcast was in one our hangers about 5 years ago getting a 100 hour inspection from volunteer A&P's. (Major Airline Overhaul Facility) There was practically a riot on the property because a Director that happened to be female ordered the nose art to be covered because it was offensive to her. So here this plane sat with a huge piece of cardboard duct taped on each side of the fuse to hide the picture and another piece of cardboard that somebody added with a statement. It basically said that this plane was a flying museum and honored the 180,000 or so allied aviators that flew at great peril and into harms way. It went on to talk about the airshows it attends that are family events and how the nose art isn't offensive except to the few with little or no sense of patriotism or appreciation for those who served on similar planes. I was outside watching the spectacle when a vice president came out and ordered the cardboard off of the airplane and demanded to know who had ordered it placed onto the plane. What a sad thing to behold!

Blue Skies,
I have my ride scheduled for Saturday

She will be at Lewis Lockport - KLOT starting Thursday 9/13 thru Sunday. My wife bought me the ride for my birthday! Wow, she helps me rivet and buys me B-17 rides, what more can I say?

N694BP reserved
She's here

If any of you in the Charlotte area would like a ride, or to just come out and look her over, stop on by.
I hitched a ride in the B17 from Kokomo, IN to Asheville, NC last Monday, a 3 hour trip.... Got some right seat time too. Words cannot describe the feeling of flying it.

I can't adequately put in words how wonderful the volunteer crew is and how thankful I am for receiving that opportunity.

Arranging for it to come to our town and spending a couple days volunteering has been one of the most rewarding experiences I've had.

We had one (CF-HBP) stored in the hangar at the YHM airport when I worked on the ramp there in the early '70s... bet I have more "left seat" time in it than most of the WW II guys! :p Good place to hide when I was supposed to be sweeping...