
Well Known Member
We've had a couple of weeks of really cold weather here in New Hampshire, so the ice is getting thicker over at Alton Bay and the runway may be plowed by next weekend!

More info at -

Unfortunately, the RV goes in for paint tomorrow so here's hoping for more cold weather next year...

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Ive been to Alton Bay with the Archer i owned years ago. I’m interested in knowing how well a plane with a castering nosewheel does on the ice. I’d love to do it again, but hesitant about the nosewheel - trying to figure out how differential braking works on ice.

Ive been to Alton Bay with the Archer i owned years ago. I’m interested in knowing how well a plane with a castering nosewheel does on the ice. I’d love to do it again, but hesitant about the nosewheel - trying to figure out how differential braking works on ice.


The same as it does on dirt I would imagine - just much, much slower.
I've flown in with tail draggers and tricycle with castering nose wheels, neither is a problem.

Assume you will have little to no brake ability, if the ice has a granular surface after being plowed you will have quite a good grip but plan on glare ice to be safe.

Do not pick a day with a cross wind.

Don't land long, use the rudder and coast to a walking speed.

Consider pulling into parking head in, shut down and spin the plane heading back out by tugging on a wingtip. Don't try to whip it around under power.

It's fun, not difficult at all.