
Well Known Member
Rainier...is this possible with the Enigma and a Gold servo? I don't care to put a full AP in right now, but Alt hold would be nice...

That's basically what I would be doing...Trio Gold Servo, but using the Enigma to drive it...:cool: It has the software to run as many axis' as I want. ;)

Given the option of roll or pitch, I would go with roll. These planes trim out well enough but having the steering is worth the effort. IMHO
Rainier...is this possible with the Enigma and a Gold servo? I don't care to put a full AP in right now, but Alt hold would be nice...


That is a simple answer - yes.
But if I were you, I'd add the roll. Just costs you another servo, nothing else.

CEO MGL Avionics
Really??? I've read a lot of posts of people saying they love to engage the Alt Hold and navigate on their own...I don't know what to do...:confused:
Really??? I've read a lot of posts of people saying they love to engage the Alt Hold and navigate on their own...I don't know what to do...:confused:

OK, if you are set on using one servo only - then let's go about it in a sensible way.
If your aircraft trims and holds pitch nicely and you are OK with the idea of having to retrim every once in a while, then it would be fine to install the roll servo.
Even with a very stable roll, no aircraft will hold a heading for long - it is guaranteed to start drifting this way and that way - in particular if you add a bit of turbs - so it makes sense to use the roll servo.
If your aircraft does not hold pitch well (like our's for example) then having the pitch servo is a must or else you will still need your hand on the stick (and that kinda is not what an AP is all about).

Having a roll servo but no pitch servo seems sensible (if possible) but I can't get comfortable with pitch servo but not a roll servo. I know, not all aircraft are created equal so there may not be a correct answer.

I guess, you could fit the pitch servo and then use the rudder for small corrections, this way leaving the stick alone - that would work in our aircraft...

In any case - make sure you can install the missing servo at some other time because I am pretty sure that is what you are going to do sooner or later...

CEO MGL Avionics
<snip>In any case - make sure you can install the missing servo at some other time because I am pretty sure that is what you are going to do sooner or later...

CEO MGL Avionics

Yep...I have brackets already installed for both...just not the $$$ for both right now.