
Well Known Member
I'd like to do a ride in an altitude chamber. Does anybody here know where in the UK or Germany I can do that?
I have a text msg in to my USAF aerospace physiologist in london. Their is a chamber in Britain and another in Denmark. I asked about civilian access to training.
They have the facilities at RAF CAM at Henlow, near London.

I believe Guy Gratton was looking to arrange some training there recently and may be worth contacting.
Altitude Chamber - UK

Hendrik - I believe that QinetiQ run the chamber at Boscombe Down, Wiltshire, UK. Well worth the experience. We all have a different set of signs for the on set of hypoxia. Knowing your own could save your life.
I recently spoke with someone on the medical side at Henlow, and was told they are short of staff / overworked, and were not offering commercial type courses. Worth a try, but not sure it will work...

We all have a different set of signs for the on set of hypoxia. Knowing your own could save your life
Ummm.... all I know from numerous "rides" in such chambers is for me it is fairly symptomless - and that's knowing it's happening. In an aircraft, probbaly under some stress, and not expecting it, unlikely I'd say "Oh dear, I've got hypoxia, best I descend" :eek: I therefore, in the civilian GA / ex-Mil jet world, avoid unnecessary reliance on Oxy systems, without the extensive Mil support of kit, SOPs and training I was used to ;)

A good example AAIB Link

Andy & Ellie Hill
I know this isn't an answer to your question, but my wife is in nursing school and recently brought home a pulse oximeter. Can't remember exactly how much it costs, but it was less than $100. Very small, I plan on keeping one or two in the plane for those days I go up high.
Try a call to the British Gliding Association.

They probably have the largest group of UK pilots used to using O2...:)