
Active Member
Does anyone know of a vacuum scale to test an altimeter system? I've seen the manometer for checking pitot (pressure). (example: http://www.iflyez.com/manometer.shtml). Thank you much!

Note: near the bottom it does say this, see below. But I'm looking to check the system at every 100' or so and I would like to have a complete scale.

The Manometer can just as easily test for Vacuum. Move the paper scale to the right leg of the "U", and adjust the "0" ZERO ADJUST to the water level. Instead of blowing into the AIR SUPPLY, sucking will generate a small vacuum and "pull" the water column up.
Connect the Manometer to the Static system. While watching the Paper Scale, Suck on the AIR SUPPLY tube to pull the water column to approximately 35 inches. Pinch off the AIR SUPPLY. Once the Manometer stabilizes, the water level should not change, there should be no leaks.
35 inches of Water (vacuum) represents approximately 2,500 ft altitude
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