
Well Known Member
I've got a 2.25" Aerosonic altimeter that I bought used, rather cheap, but it does not work. Anyone know what's involved with repairing it? Is this typically something that an unskilled person like me can do? Here are some pictures:


I contacted the manufacturer, but they wanted *a lot* to simply have a look at it, much less repair it. I believe ACS sells these new for about $3k.


How can I say this gently

rv8ch said:
I've got a 2.25" Aerosonic altimeter that I bought used, rather cheap, but it does not work. Thanks, Mickey
Mickey where have you been? Hows it going.

I got to be honest, done that been there.

There was a reason it was used and cheap.

Here is my opinion based on experience and spending lots of money. Trash-can it. Just buy a new one. I have had poor luck with old instruments in general and repairing old altimeters (or T&B's, DG's, AI's) in particular.

I find once they get old and tired they never work right again and repair cost to get it fixed make it non-value added, meaning not worth it.

As you point out they charge a lot to LOOK at it. Hint.... they really don't want to look at or repair it. It is not worth it to them either. They rather just make a new one and you buy it, for good reason. Its easier to make a new instrument than fix and old one.

May be some super heavy duty high quality instruments are worth repairing. My guess is a little peanut Alt is not a good candidate to get repaired. I must be becoming an old man, because I am going to say it....they don't make them like they use to or make them to last.

I know throwing it away is not what you want to hear but that what I think.

What is a new 2.25" altimeter going for? Cost of a 3.25" one? Is this primary altitude or back up?

If its primary do yourself a favor, spend the extra 1.125 inches and get a man sized altimeter. :D They really work and are cheaper (I recall/think). I know the 2-1/4" units looks cool but you should be able to find room for the full meal deal size altimeter.

If its back up, they have little digital altimeters?

Don't feel bad. I bought so many used instruments and went thru this more than once. I will not buy used instruments, but than my RV-7 is all "digital".

Good luck, how is it going. Flying yet? Got the gear and engine mount deal worked out?
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