
Well Known Member
Recently switched from PlanePower to B&C Alternator. I have years of Engine data history for my PP flites. Looking for Engine data for those with B&C, specifically AMP data. Would appreciate screen shots of your Savvy data for AMP, for flights as short as 15 minutes and as long as 2 hours, or more. PM me. Or email to [email protected].


No sarcasm…why do you want that data? Since amperage data is most often related to charging status of the battery, which essentially nets out current consumption of electrical devices on the AC, I don’t know how you could use it to compare to your own AC. Further, my own experience with earthX and AGM batteries suggest there is unique interactions there when going PP to B&C, having made both of those changes. My point is there appears to be too many build and operational differences between AC to use someone else’s data as a baseline, if that’s what you’re trying to do?
B&C and Earth X

Hello Rick

You mentioned combining B&C and Earth X. I did this with B&C 60A alt and regulator with an Earth X batt but now with two years and about 150 Hrs I am seeing high voltage surges. Normally stable around 14.4V I am seeing surges towards 16V. The folks at B&C tell me the Earth X battery is to blame (naturally). Seen anything like this?

Hello Rick

You mentioned combining B&C and Earth X. I did this with B&C 60A alt and regulator with an Earth X batt but now with two years and about 150 Hrs I am seeing high voltage surges. Normally stable around 14.4V I am seeing surges towards 16V. The folks at B&C tell me the Earth X battery is to blame (naturally). Seen anything like this?


battery seems an unlikely cause. EarthX draws a LOT of amps initially and that should drop the output voltage, not increase it. I would be looking for a loose connection at the regulator. If you have high resistance, even intermittently, on the sense line or the ground, the VR sees it as a voltage drop on the buss and ups the output of the alternator. if the voltage drop only exists on the sense circuit, then buss voltage goes up accordingly.

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My experience earthx

I don’t see a voltage spike with the earthX, but I see digital current changes from zero to three or four amps and back. on the D180. My voltage stays rock steady at 14.4V on the B&C. With the AGM, it tended to be slower changes to amperage, or just steady steady.

For reference, my PP ran a little hot at 14.6v regardless of battery in the system.
Thanks for the feedback

I appreciate the responses.

I'll definitely recheck my terminals and perhaps run a Ohm check on sense wire. Then a test fly with a volt meter riding the sense voltage at the VR would probably be in order.

Thanks again to all who replied.
I don’t see a voltage spike with the earthX, but I see digital current changes from zero to three or four amps and back. on the D180. My voltage stays rock steady at 14.4V on the B&C. With the AGM, it tended to be slower changes to amperage, or just steady steady.

For reference, my PP ran a little hot at 14.6v regardless of battery in the system.

Thanks Larry! It was the fuse itself on the sense wire causing a little floating resistance, weird but true.
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