
Well Known Member
Plane Power alternator whines through my headset. The noise level varies with the charging Amps. The regulator has been replaced a couple of years ago. Is there anything that can be done to eliminate the noise. Thanks.
Make sure that all audio jacks are insulated from the airframe with dielectric
washers. Check electrical system for ground loops.
A dead rectifier diode in the alternator will do that. Load up the alternator as much as you can. One with a bad diode can't make full rated current. The max is more like 45A instead of 60+.

Another thing to check is the airframe to engine ground strap along with the headset jack isolator washers suggested above.
A dead rectifier diode in the alternator will do that. Load up the alternator as much as you can. One with a bad diode can't make full rated current. The max is more like 45A instead of 60+.

Another thing to check is the airframe to engine ground strap along with the headset jack isolator washers suggested above.

I noticed the Alt noise when it was loaded and putting out 50 AMPS. Did not go to 60. Airframe start is good. Thanks for the tip.
Not difficult to remove your alternator & take it to a local Auto Electric shop & have them test the Diodes, they probably have the part there, standard ND part.
Would save major $$ compared to replacing with another PP unit, or as is likely to be suggested, a new B&C unit.
Not difficult to remove your alternator & take it to a local Auto Electric shop & have them test the Diodes, they probably have the part there, standard ND part.
Would save major $$ compared to replacing with another PP unit, or as is likely to be suggested, a new B&C unit.

Thanks Ralph. Good idea. My plane will be laid up for condition inspection soon.