Carl Froehlich

Well Known Member
There have been a lot of postings concerning less than stellar performance when using the standard PC-680 battery.

For those in the building process, I recommend you look at the option to instead use the PC-625 battery. Here is the direct comparison:

- Weight: 17 lbs
- Amp-hr: 16
- CCA: 170

- Weight: 16 lbs
- Amp-hr:17
- CCA: 220

You will need to modify your battery tray(s) for this battery, but I found the PC-625 a better form factor to work with than the 680.

For you RV-10 builders, the standard battery tray is easily modified to mount two PC-625s. I?ve run two PC-625s in all three of my RV builds - as they achieve my design objective of at least two hours of continued IFR flight after the limiting (but still probable) electrical power failure scenario.

I replace one battery every three years (so neither battery is more than six years old). This provides some assurance of electrical reserve capacity - which for me established the battery amp-hr requirement.

The one I recently installed in the -6:


Has the same post config as the 680 for a seamless replacement. I don't have long-term experience with this particular battery but have used similar batteries in the RV previously and the one in the biplane is still strong after four years.