pierre smith

Well Known Member
Mornin' guys,
Sirius keeps getting more expensive. Is there any alternative weather that I can subscribe to?

+1 on ADSB, the hardware I use is a Stratux I purchased on VAF used for ~$100 that feeds either my cell phone or tablet running the Avare app (free). So the cost savings is really substantial.

The downside is from my home airport I don't get reception until about 1,500 to 2,000 ft AGL. However, when the ceilings are that low I typically scrub any cross country so it's not really that much of a factor. ADSB also has the additional benefit of showing traffic.

This Map from the FAA shows the expected altitude you will get reception.
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Pierre if you're interested in a stratus PRX V2 get in touch and ill give you a great deal on mine. ;)
Sirius/XM has one of the most despicable and deceptive business practice models when it comes to billing, second only to ol' AOL. That said you can get your costs significantly reduced but it takes a bit of frustrating effort -

Here's a sample of how to get the deals, it works, I've done it, see link below. Last couple notes I'd HIGHLY suggest is two things:

#1- make sure they remove your credit card number IMMEDIATELY after you negotiate this deal otherwise they will automatically re-up you at their astronomically high rate and it is rough to get it refunded. Stay on the phone with them until you are assured your card was removed be adamant about this.

#2 - make sure you DO NOT give them you real phone number. Give them their own number see if they catch it otherwise you'll be getting a LOT of annoying calls to renew as your date comes close. If you don't give them your phone number you'll simply get a few annoyances via snail mail or can call them when you get the warnings of payment due.

Wouldn't it be lovely if companies simply offered a fair price to all?!?!

Been there. Done that

When dealing with Sirius XM or anyone else who utilizes automatic billing cycles that you don’t like, either:

Use Shop Safe (or other one time cc# creation) if your cc company supports such. I use it all the time.

Use a gift card.

Has worked for me for years now with Sirius or other similar holes.
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When I used to subscribe to XM I always paid a year at a time, and made them delete my credit card info so they couldn't automatically charge me when it expires and never had a problem.
You can get it free via ADSB!

I've been using ADSB now for a couple of years. Great for traffic, but weather is pretty poor. Updates are slow, and frankly, with changing weather, it's usefulness is marginal. Interesting to look at on the screen, but not very useful for avoiding weather, all IMHO.
I?m guessing you cant play the same game as the folks who handle radio subscriptions? If i dont cancel, i get refilled at something stupid like $15 per month for my car.

I have to call them and cancel the day before it renews and play this game where i tell them i dont use it much and the only way i?ll Keep my subscription is if i pay what i paid last time which was $6 per month. The only inconvenience is that i have to do this every 6 months.
I'd forgotten that I'm on three month billing.

I spoke with the XM rep at AOPA Gulf Shores yesterday, and he suggested exactly that.

I’m guessing you cant play the same game as the folks who handle radio subscriptions?

Pretty sure the aviation side is a separate division.

FWIW, I've been a weather subscriber eight years without a hiccup, billing or otherwise.