
Well Known Member
So the Saturday morning mission was to give my coworker a ride in a rental C-140. The -140 was based out of Livermore CA, a 45 minute drive from Walnut Creek or 5 minute RV flight. The choice was obvious...

-3B ready to go.

Cruising by Mt. Diablo, stage 4 finish of the Amgen Tour de California.


A view of the thirsty east bay countryside from the C-140. The hills around here look and feel a lot higher in the 85 hp C-140. We were lucky to see 500 fpm climb vs. 2000fpm+ in the -3B

Nice shots. I didn't realize you were local. I would love to see that incredibly imaginitive paint scheme in the flesh...
So great to see you up in the air in the -3! Tsam can't wait to get out there and buddy up with your very cool -3. I trust you are loving flying it?
I would love to see that incredibly imaginitive paint scheme in the flesh...
Let me know when and where, I fly out of KCCR.

So great to see you up in the air in the -3! Tsam can't wait to get out there and buddy up with your very cool -3. I trust you are loving flying it?

Its been great so far! I will stop by when you guys get your new place setup. It shouldnt be much more than an hour away by air.