
Well Known Member
I am a little confused about the steps here. On page 47-19, the call-out says to dimple 4x #30 holes in the alternate air inlet. The following page says to install it to the snorkel with 5x AN426AD4-6 rivets. There is not a step that I see to dimple the remaining hole in the inlet. What did others do here, and how did it turn out for you?
There are 6 total #30 holes on VA-192A. The top 5 are called out to be dimpled on 47-19, step 10. The nut plate holes are dimpled #40. The center hole of the nut plate isn’t dimpled because it takes an AN515-8R8 screw, which is shown in figure 1 on 47-20. It serves as the pivot point for VA-192B.
The problem is that the plans seem to get the count wrong. On page 47-19 it says "4X DIMPLE #30 FLUSH THIS SIDE." On page 47-20 it says "5X AN426AD4-6." I'm trying to figure out if the diagram on page 47-19 should read "5X" or if there is a reason not to dimple the fifth hole at that point.
It is a typo and should be 5X.
I submitted a notification for it to be changed on a future revision of that drawing page.