
Well Known Member
Similar to recent posting; I wasn't too keen on Vans method of coiling the alternate air door pushrod cable around the screw, nor did I have a tiny little blow torch to heat the cable to do so. If you you haven't gotten to this step you probably won't fully comprehend this little conundrum! But I think this whole little filtered air box as a whole, is more of a challenge than the sliding canopy...

So hear is what I came up with and a short video showing it in action. The control is in my cockpit, near the carb heat, but sort of recessed under the bottom flange of the panel.




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Well done! I like how you adapted the cable nut for this application, very simple but effective.

Alternate Air Door

You may want to add some Loctite to the screw that pivots the plate.
I have the same setup on our 7a and even though the pivoting screw was threaded into nut plate, It came loose. The whole thing was hanging and bouncing around between the cowl and the air box. After the use of lactate it never came loose again.