
Well Known Member
For those of you who have long term experience with Superfil, is it acceptable to alodine the scuffed/prep'd surface underneath?

I'm looking to fill a few dents while waiting on the QB fuse to arrive....

I alodine'd all my aluminum panels before any bodywork. Used Super-Fil on the aluminum and fiberglass before primer. Won't be flying until this spring but I feel the alodine gives a little extra tooth for the finishing materials to grip to. I stay away from polyester based fillers directly on epoxy parts as the bond of polyester to epoxy isn't very good.
Used Super-Fil on the aluminum and fiberglass before primer................. I stay away from polyester based fillers directly on epoxy parts as the bond of polyester to epoxy isn't very good.

This suggest the Van's parts are polyester and not epoxy??? I haven't gotten that far in the kit yet.
This suggest the Van's parts are polyester and not epoxy??? I haven't gotten that far in the kit yet.
If there is a white gel-coat then the parts are polyester but if they are the green/pink color they are epoxy.

I have used polyester based fillers (bondo) on epoxy glass parts in the past and have been able to pop the polyester filler off just by flexing the part.