Well Known Member
I'm looking for ideas to cut the cost of Alodine 120x and then suggestions/recommendations on priming/painting parts prior to construction.

1. I plan to use Alumaprep33 and Alodine 120x.
2. After conversion coating looking for best rattle can primer.
3. After priming, looking for best(toughest) rattle can paint for interior surfaces.

Does anyone know of a place one can purchase small quantities of Alodine 1200?

Does anyone know of a rattle can epoxy primer?

Does anyone know of a rattle can Polyurthane paint for top coat?

I've tried the Preval Sprayer, but was not pleased with the result years ago.

Thanks for any advice/suggestion/recommendation.
DuPont Variprime 615S Self Etching Primer

One option to consider is sponge brush application of Variprime 615S. On my second project and I think it is hard to beat for ease of application, low cost and speed. I mix if very thin, about two parts activator to primer. You can mix a thimble full if that is all you need, and if it is mixed thin, it flows out nicely so you don't have any brush marks or primer build up. Since you are not spraying (either rattle can or gun) your set up time amount you use is much lower. And it dries in about 20 minutes so you can be pounding rivets very quickly. It also seems to reduce the scratching of alclad surfaces during the build, almost like leaving the blue plastic on except without the fuss.

Skip the Alodine step.

Prep with PPG alumiprep and prime with a good epoxy primer. I use PPG DP-40LF. There are other options. I have never found a rattle can primer that comes close to a two part epoxy primer.
