
I'm New Here

I would like to ask if somebody can give me all the possible information about the use of Alodine in rivets holes in Al-C structures.

Thanks in advance.
Most of the alodine I've seen here in the U.S. is actually produced by Henkel, a German company. The instructions, Material Safety Data Sheets, etc. are translations from the German (provided by Henkel).

See: for a translation of the German technical process bulletin.

Germany contacts:

Henkel Oberfl?chentechnik GmbH
40191 D?sseldorf
Telefon +49 211 797 3000
Telefax +49 211 798 3636

Henkel Teroson GmbH
Postfach 10 56 20
69046 Heidelberg
Telefon +49 6221 704 0
Telefax +49 6221 704 698

Henkel Oberfl?chentechnik GmbH
Gesch?ftseinheit Wasserbehandlung
D-40191 D?sseldorf
Telefon +49 211 797 9190
Telefax +49 211 798 2262

Good luck,